Our Wifi- 6

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"Think like a lady, act like a boss"

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Intense sexual descriptive sex scene below.


Sitting in front of my parents in a well known diner, as we had lunch together. I comfortable silence surrounded us as we ate.
"How is married life going, sweetie?" Mother asked, sipping her wine. I smiled at her, still feeling guilty that I had not woken up earlier to day to give Ace his lunch and wave him good bye.

He had left without his lunch and Gem had stated that Ace was in a hurry, he had been ever since he had successfully achieved to grab ahold of the contract the preparation was where his focus had been.

"Great, mother. Ace has just been busy with work, you know he's trying to show to his father that he can handle the empire." I said to which they nodded there head understanding, my whole family were happy when I had told them about Ace getting ahold of two big contracts.

"He is doing exceptionally well, Charles may not say it to his face but I know that he is proud of his son." Father said to which I smiled and nodded my head, I was proud of Ace as well. He was becoming everything he wanted and I was glad for that.

"Betsy has told me that as well, when I called her to inform her. They were ecstatic hearing the news." I replied back to which they nodded there head in agreement.
"So are you going to tell us something?" Mother asked making me narrow my eyes, had she seen my guilt that was eating me up. I never let Ace leave without his lunch, I knew how much he invested his time in work and he would not eat unless I give him lunch.

"I woke up late and forgot to give Ace his lunch, I feel really bad." I sighed, they both chuckled at me making me narrow my eyes at them.
"It's fine sweetie, he can eat something from the canteen." Father said to which I nodded my head even though I knew the truth, he probably would not even get up to get himself food.

"I was not talking about that sweetie, the glow on your face. Are you pregnant?" I choked on the food I was eating as the words left my mother mouth, grabbing my glass of lemonade I took a sip before leaning back on my seat and sighing.

"Of course not, having a baby is the last of our agenda." I said sighing, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. She was the second person to tell me this, with having unprotected sex with Ace almost daily it made me feel a little frightened.

"Are you having protected sex?" She asked making my eyes pop out, father cleared his throat feeling uncomfortable as he stood up.
"I'll go pay for the food and we can leave." He said leaving the table as quickly as he could, my eyes went back to my mother as if she had grown two heads.

"I-I mean, we were until the pass two weeks. We ran out of my contraceptive pills, and neither have time to go pick it up from the pharmacy. And he forgets to grab a new box of condom." I sighed remember how many times we have had unprotected sex, I really needed to go and grab my contraceptive pills.

"Has he you know, ejaculated inside of you?" I blushed feeling embarrassed having this conversation with her.
"Mother." I sighed making her roll her eyes.
"We're womens, you can tell me." She said maju by me sighed and nod my head.

"Ace seems so use to ejaculating inside of me when I was on my contraceptive pills that at times he forgets to pull out." I said scowling remembering how he promises to pull out but never does.
"Okay we can leave." Father said returning, he had a bag of food in his hand.

"What is that?" I asked him, he smiled before handing it to me.
"You can go give him lunch, I'm sure he would be happy." I smiled at my father giving him a hug before pulling away.

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