Our Wifi- 8

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"Spoil me with Loyalty I can Finance myself"


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Shit. Was all I could say as I looked down at the small plus sign, after finally getting the courage I had brought myself a pregnancy test and the result I had received was what I had not expected.

I knew Ace was not ready to be a father, heck neither was I ready to be mother.

We both had goals that we wanted to achieve, aims which needed to be fulfilled. A baby in this situation was the least thing which we had planned, I did not know how to feel about this. I was neither happy or sad I just sat baffled on the bathroom floor with the pregnancy test in my hand.

"This might be wrong." I said to myself, it was obvious pregnancy test were not always a hundred percent correct. It might be false alarm, I said to myself again. I stood up exiting the bathroom and grabbing my purse as I left the mansion.

I needed to see a doctor. I had not spoken to Ace since yesterday, he had arrived home after I had fallen asleep and left before I had awoken. With the help of Gem I had ensured he had taken his lunch to work, but after yesterday I did not know where we stood.

"Where too Mrs Reid?" My driver asked, I sat silently for a moment afraid of the answer I would hear if I went to the doctor.
"To Stephanie's clinic." I said, he nodded his head and I heard the car roar alive. It was not long before the car stopped in front of the clinic, thanking the driver I got out. I bit my lower lips trying to gain the confidence to enter the clinic.

I walked inside and approached the receptionist who gave me a smile.

"I-I need to see a doctor." I said whilst stuttering, I was afraid and there was no hiding it. The frightened look on my face can already be seen and the look the receptionist gave me was enough for me to confirm it.
"Do you have an appointment?" She asked, I froze for a moment before shaking my head.

"Erm, no. B-But Stephanie knows me well, if you just call her." I said but the receptionist gave me a sympathetic look and shook her head.
"Unfortunately, she is on her annual leave. You need a appointment in order to see a doctor." The receptionist said, I sighed closing my eyes.

"Crystal." I heard a manly voice, which was familiar. I turned around and my eyes widened to see William standing in front of me, it had been a while since I had seen him.
"William." I stated, he gave me a warm smile to which I returned.

"Is everything okay?" He asked the receptionist, who gave him a gentle smile.
"She needs to see a doctor but does not have an appointment, she knows Stephanie but she is on her annual leave so I am asking her to book an appointment." The receptionist said, I did not have time to book an appointment I had to know or it would eat me on the inside.

"Book her in under my name, I do not have any more appointments for another hour." William said making my eyes widened and a wide smile appeared on my lips, I had not realised William had become a doctor but he was incredibly smart.

"Will do." The receptionist said, I followed William into his office and settled down in front of him.
"So how can I help you?" He asked, I sighed placing the pregnancy test in front of him. He looked at it before his eyes widened in surprise.

"Congratulations." He said but all I did was not my head,
"I need to ensure that the pregnancy test is correct, can you do some examination?" I asked, he nodded his head at me before opening a drawer and pulling out a small plastic cup container.

"You can use the bathroom, pee in this and bring it back." I did as he said, entering the bathroom I did my business before washing my hands and bringing the cup filled with my pee back into his office. He was now wearing a blue rubber gloves, he took the cup from my hand and told me to sit down.

"I am going to do the examination, and I will return with the results." I nodded my head, I watched as he left I played with my fingers feeling fidgety and nervous with what the results would be.

It was not long before he turned with a paper in his hands which held the results.

"So what does it say?" I asked instantly, a smile on his lips.
"Well congratulations for both you and Ace, you are two weeks pregnant." My eyes widened at the information I received, feeling my gut twist. I was pregnant.

"Thank you." I whispered still not over my shock, he seemed to nod understanding by my reaction that I was going through a phase of shock and maybe a little denial.
"I can book you in for a ultra sound in a few weeks." He said to which I nodded my head, once everything was booked I thanked him again before exiting his office. As I walked out of the clinic my eyes looked up and I froze to see Ace standing there.

"Ace." I whispered, this made his head snap up, he looked at me worried probably seeing my face which is white as paper like I had seen some ghost.
"Baby are you okay? Why are you here? Is everything fine?" He bombarded me with a series of question, as he rushed towards me. All I could do was wrap my arms around him and I let out s sob whilst crying, I did not know how much I needed to cry until I was in his arms.

"Take me home." I whispered.

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