Our Wifi- 14

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"I don't regret a single moment spent believing you were right for me"


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My eyes were red and puffy as I continued to walk around my room packing my stuff away, I grabbed my clothes throwing them into the suitcase which was laid on my bed. I could not keep myself to live here a single moment, not with a man that did not love me.

"Góissa, what are you doing?" He asked approaching me, I continued to ignore him and walked to the cupboard and pulled out more of my clothes. When I had moved in here with Ace I had believed this was where we would grow together, have children and even grow old.

But I was wrong.

"Answer me, damnit." He yelled following behind me, I had no energy inside of me to answer him. I felt mentally and physically drained, I had received my answer which I had to all my question this was indeed what I had thought. But my heart did not seem to understand or want to.

"Answer me, Crystal." He yelled again grabbing ahold of my arms and pulling me against him, I struggled to escape from his hold and continued to do so until I felt myself give up and begin to cry.
"NO." I yelled, this seemed to startled Ace his grip on me loosened and I pulled myself away from him, I wiped my tears away turning away from him.

"Nothing is as you think, baby. Please just sit down and listen to me." I shook my head at him not wanting to listen, I had done that before and I had believed his words and now that had led me to feel heart broken.
"You lied to me." I whispered, I grabbed ahold of my last few belongings before throwing it in my suitcase.

"I have not lied to you, I love you and only you." He said from behind making me freeze, I turned around too look at him. His eyes showed only love, but his actions and words said otherwise. How could I believe him, when all he did was break me and lie to people that he was married to Callie.

"Love? Do you even know what love is? This seems to be a game of parcel parcel, one minute you love Callista and another minute you love me and then you go back to her." I said, he shook his head at me disagreeing at my words as he cupped my cheeks with both his hands.

"I did not know what love was before you, Góissa. But if you rip open my heart it will be only your name there, I only and will only love you." He whispered as he pecked my forehead making me let out a sob as i clutched his blazer.

"Then why did you tell Stephan Kelly you love and married Callista?" I asked, he looked down disappointedly before looking back at me.
"I can not say, but trust me Góissa it's not what you think, I only have eyes and my heart only beats for you." He said, pulling me against his chest. I let out a sigh as I hugged him tightly, closing my eyes I inhaled his scent which weirdly calmed me down.

"Why can you not tell me?" I mumbled against him, I felt him stiffen making me scared if they were both okay.
"She needs my help, I am only helping her out as a friend góissa. I will tell you everything once it is done." He reassured making me nod my head at him, I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"I trust you, Ace. Please don't break my trust or I will leave, and never return."I promised, he nodded his head pecking my lips.
"I want to try?" He asked making me narrow my eyes at him, he cupped my cheeks once again.

"Try what?" I asked confused and I was sure you could see it on my face.
"I want to be part of the baby's life, I want to be the perfect father for him or her." I smiled widely, wrapping my arms around his neck whilst he hugged me back.

"You made me the happiest person today." I whispered into his ears, I heard him laugh whilst he hugged me.
"Did not sound like that when you were ready to leave me." I glared at him playfully slapping his chest as his chest roared in laughter.
"By the way that slap hurt." He said making me smile as I rubbed his red cheeks,
"Good now you know the power of your wife." I said and he nodded his head.

"Hmm, I like the sound of that." He said making me roll my eyes when I remembered the messages, I wondered if I should tell him and decided it was better if I should.
"I-I need to tell you something?" He narrowed his eyebrows at me and nodded his head urging me to continue.

"I received a text message, it told me to leave you and that the person loved you. I was frightened but did not know how to approach you after our argument so I went to father." I said his eyes darkened in anger as I spoke, it almost make me scared.

"How could you not tell me, góissa. You could have put yourself and our baby into trouble." He said and I nodded my head apologetically, still my stomach fluttered in butterflies as this was the first time he had addressed the baby as ours.

"I know, but I assumed it was some fan of yours that had managed to get my number. I have not received any more messages after that." I said, to which he asked for my phone which I gladly gave him he looked through my messages before he found the message he was looking for I watched his jaws clench and unclench in anger.

"I will be assigning you bodyguards, they will remain with you all day and night. If I am not beside you, you will not leave unless I have said yes." I frowned at his words, he wanted to trap me in here.
"Look its a baseless threat, we can just ignore it." I stated to which he shook his head, he pulled out his phone and called who ever before assigning me guards to my dismay but I did not say anything.

"I love you too much, for anything to happen to you." He whispered, I nodded my head pecking his lips.
"Make love to me, Ace." I whispered to which he smiled and nodded his head, wrapping his arms around me.

"Your wish is my command." He whispered, in between our kisses.

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