Our Wifi- 5

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"Be strong than your excuses"


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I stared staring daggers at my food whilst twirling the fork around, my appetite was long gone as I sat beside Ace who silently ate his food.
I had been patiently waiting for him to mention his meeting with Callista but not once in the past hour since he has come home has he once mentioned it, it made my stomach turn thinking he was hiding it from me.

"Are you okay góissa, you have barely ate your food?" He asked making me snap my head up from staring at my food and towards him, his eyes held worry as he stared at me.
"I'm okay, just not hungry anymore. How was your day?" I asked hoping he would mention it if I was to indirectly bring it up, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Same old, meeting and planning for the contract. What about you, how is work?" He asked, I mentally sighed. Did he not want to share and hide the fact he met my sister, without telling me.
"It was good, did you do anything else other than work?" I asked pushing a little hoping to hear what I wanted to, he narrowed his eyes at me.

"No just work, so are we playing twenty one questions after six months of already being married." He joked, but I was in no mood of playing, I pushed my plate away and stood up sighing making him arch his eyebrows.
"So your not going to mention how you met up with Callista?" I asked, my tone slightly rising. His eyes widened as if realising that I knew, he stood up his face now scrunched into a scowl.

"So now your following me, what is this góissa?" He said making me scoff, he actually thought I was stalking him.
"I was not following you, for you information I was out with Cathy." I said angrily before walking away, I felt my palms clench into a fist holding my self from bursting. I was furious he would accuse me of following him, and not once did he think he can just tell me and this would not go this far.

I changed into my night wear, it was a cute red floral lace satin baby doll nighty, with a belted robe. I stared at myself in my mirror as I tied my hair into a pony tail. I ignored Ace as he walked in, he approached me from behind and wrapped his arms around me. He leaned his face onto my shoulder as he looked at me through the mirror.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I did meet up with Callista today at the diner." He whispered, before pecking my shoulder. I turned around to look into his forest green eyes, before sighing.
"Why?" I asked, he took a step back. He seemed to be debating before a sigh escaped his lips.

"Look góissa, Callie is still my bestfriend. I should not need to be interrogated as if I am a criminal in my own house." He said and instantly the anger which I had seemed to calm earlier returned, I pushed pass him angrily.

"So now my husband is hiding stuff from me, just great. Your meeting with your ex lover who also happens to be my sister and yet I am kept in the dark, just perfect." I yelled angrily, I got into bed throwing the duvet over my head to avoid looking at him.
"This is stupid, why are we arguing over such petty things. Can you stop mentioning her as my ex lover, she is my bestfriend and I am allowed to meet her without being questioned." He yelled back, before slamming the bathroom door. I sighed pulling my head out of the duvet, I was still angry. And him yelling at me just added the cherry to my anger.

I switched the light off, before getting in bed and closing my eyes. I heard him coming out, I could heard him sigh before he walked around and got in bed I feel his arms wrap around my body pulling me closer. I grabbed his arms and moved it away from me.

"So now I can't hug my wife whilst sleeping, perfect. Just peachy." I heard him angrily whisper to himself, he turned around facing the other way. I was so use to sleeping in his arms that I could not find myself falling asleep digging I turned around and grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back until his back was laying flat against the mattress.

"I am still angry at you." I whispered before laying my head on his chest, I could sense the smirk on his face as his arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him.
"I love you." He whispered before kissing my hair, I rolled my eyes.
"Love you too." I gritted out, before closing my eyes. I still did not understand what was so important that he could not tell me, for gods sake he was my husband and she was my sister and no matter how much I tried to put it in the back of my head I could not forget that he had a past with him.

A past that nearly made us separate. I had assumed we had passed the stage where we promised to tell each other everything and not keep any secret, but he obviously failed in keeping the promise as he went to meet my sister and did not bother telling and he still did not mention why he had gone to meet her.

A scowl remained on my lips, as I struggled to sleep with all the questions in my head. Why was he hiding it from me? Why did he go to meet her and not tell me? Was there something I should worry about? I mentally face palmed myself, I repeated that I loved Ace and I knew he would not nothing to hurt me this was just me over thinking and I needed to behave and trust him.

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