Our Wifi- 11

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"Your patience is your power"


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Greeting my parents with a warm smile and hugs, I welcomed them into my home. They gushed about the news I had notified them over the phone, and rushed over as soon as possible. There hands were filled with rich sweets and gift to show there happiness regarding the news.

It just made my frown on the inside, it would be a wish which was hard to see come true where he would appear with his loving smiles arms filled with toys and decorations to when we would decorate the baby's room.

I had put a hold to decorate one of the guest rooms near our room to make a nursery, it was too soon and I was waiting for my first scan which was going to be in a week time.

As they walked pass me congratulating Ace my eyes fell on Callista, she walked in and her eyes fell on me. She held a smile approaching me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me to her.

"I'm so happy for you, Crissy. mitéra kai patéras miloúsan astamátita gia to próto tous engóni, they seem more excited." She chuckled before pulling away, a warm smile appeared on my lips hearing how happy my parents were. I knew mother had always wanted a grandchild, claiming she was not getting young any time soon.

"Efcharistó, Callie. We are just as excited." I said lying straight to my sisters face, her smile slightly flattered as if she knew that I was not saying the truth.
"Have you decided names?" I heard mothers voice from behind making me turn, I could hear her bombarding Ace with millions of questions making him look uncomfortable.

"Mother, it is too soon to pick names. We don't even know the baby's gender." I said approaching saving Ace from answering my mother, I felt his arms place on my waist pulling me closer. This was an act. I reminded my self, he did not want this baby no matter how much I wished he did.

"Anóitos, your father and I had already planned yours and your sisters name before we even knew we were having two amazing daughters. Your father wanted Daivik and Junior Jacob if we were to have boys." She shivered at the memory sending father a frown, whilst he had held a sheepish smile on his face.

"Oh God no, father Junior Jacob." Callie said sounding mortified to which my mother agreed with her, Ace laughed beside me as if he was enjoying as my mother and sister ganged up on my father who's hands were held up surrendering.

"Well, that is the past. I have two beautiful daughters now." He defended him same making me giggle.
"Well mother is surely glad for that, she does not need to bare with your horrendous names. I will sure to make sure you do not have any input when choosing the name." I mentioned whilst laughing and everyone joined in.

"My little baby is having a baby, I was waiting to still pamper you and assumed Callie would be the first one to pop out a baby." He said making everyone silence, I stiffened feeling a little uncomfortable. Remembering how it was meant to be my sister in stead of me.

"O skáse, Jacob. We should go eat, my grandchild must be hungry." Mother said quickly dissolving the tense atmosphere, everyone agreed and Ace left his arms from my waist leading everyone to the dining room.

"You seem tensed, you can always talk to me Crissy." My head turned to Callie who was the only one beside me in the living room, I gave her a small smile.
"Even you Callie, don't make me a stranger." I said which made her frown, she narrowed her eyebrows at me.

"What do you mean?" She asked, she came closer to make sure no one else heard us.
"I know you and Ace secretly met, I mean do you still have feelings for him?" I asked, she pulled her hands away from me making my eyes dart at her hands which were laying beside her.

"It is not what you think." She said making me shake my head.
"But you are not denying the fact you have feelings for him." I said with a frown she opened her mouth to say something but was cut off when mother approached making us plaster a fake smile on our face.

"Dinner is becoming cold, let's go." She said to which we nodded our head and walked into the dining room, like usual I sat beside Ace whilst Callie sat opposite me. My plate had already been filled so I grabbed my fork and placed the slice of lamb in my mouth.

I looked up and froze seeing Callie and Ace have a small staring moment. Clearing my throat they both looked at me, my eyes darted between them with a frown on my lips.

After we finished eating mother had made me and Ace take several pictures claiming she wanted to make an album with me going through all my trimester whilst pregnant.

I stood beside him no longer smiling, I stiffened as he placed his arms on my stomach making me turn and look at him. Hearing a click I turned my head towards mother who was cooing over how cute we looked.

After a while we had all settled in the living room chatting, Ace and Callie had disappeared for a moment before reappearing. We continued to act like happy parents before we waved them goodbye, I closed the door when there cars had left the gate and turned around to look at an furious Ace.

"What did you say to Callie, to make her upset?" He asked making me arch my eyebrows at him.
"Upset, Ace she is my sister I can say what ever I would like. You see her upset but you are blind to see how much it is affecting me when your denying my child." I yelled back angrily, feeling hurt he cared so much about Callie yet made little to no effort to make it work and accept our baby.

"You have made the decision Góissa, you want the baby and I don't. I made effort, I was here for you when your parents came." He yelled backing making me approach him and dig my index finger into his chest making him stumble back.
"Effort, I do not want to force you Ace. I want you to be here happily, but your not." I said angrily, before combing my hair with my fingers frustratingly.

"You knew I was not ready to be a father, it is not easy." He yelled back and it stung that he kept claiming he was not ready yet did not try to even get comfortable with the idea.
"You can not get ready, Ace if you don't make efforts." I yelled back making him scowl as he glared at me.

"I do not want to have this conversation, just stay away from Callie. If you are going to make her upset stay away." He stated sternly making my eyes widened in shock, he was telling me to stay away from my sister. He cared for her. Even more than me.

"Who are you to state that I need to stay away from her, your not her boyfriend or husband. I do not need to listen to you." I screamed at him, my words slipped from my mouth before I could think and realise that his next words could probably hurt me.

"I am her bestfriend, your opinion regarding me and Callie do not matter to me. I am looking out for her, whether you like it or not." I stared at him bewildered by what had just said, my options don't matter to him. He would hurt my feelings to keep hers happy.

"Happy to know where I stand in your life, me being your wife will not matter to you. I am not your priority and I have heard it from you today, I will not force you to do anything you don't want Ace. If I do not matter to you then I will not have any rights over you, if seeing me hurt does not affect you then I will move out of your way." I whispered turning back from him as I walked away, climbing the stairs to go upstairs.

"Crystal." He called out making me freeze I turned around and raised my hands to stop him from saying anything more.
"I have heard enough, I am going sleep." I stated turning around and continuing my journey upstairs.

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