Our Wifi- 4

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"Let me adjust my crown and get my day started"


Hope your enjoying


I bit into my warm pretzel which was covered in cinnamon and sugar, walking beside Cathy.

"I never thought modelling could feel so stressful, the only reason I choice that pathway was because I thought I would be my own boss." Cathy complained throwing her hands in the air, she had gone and become a model she was just a milestone away from being the top most hottest and highest paid model.

"Well your doing amazing, I keep all the magazines which has you as its front page." I laughed which she joined in, if it was not obvious already I was my best friends biggest fan the one which would cheer for her no matter what.
"If you weren't already fucking Ace, I would assume you fancy me." She joked whilst winking making me roll my eyes at her, even though college was over it still felt the same she did not once change and for that I was for sure happy.

"Ohh please like you are not fucking his business partner Mr Kennedy." I said making her blush, never would I have thought Cathy was into older guys, Mr Kennedy was a thirty years old divorcee, but he looked no older than twenty five. His icy blue eyes, sharp features he was the definition of her dream man.

"Girl I must say his dick rocks my world." I laughed at her making her join in, I was glad my bestfriend had met someone who could finally satisfy her but I knew she was afraid of commitment especially when her family were an orthodox catholic Christian and Mr Kennedy was a divorcee which was against everything her family would want her to be with.

"I guess it would be long before I become a god mother." I joked making her face turn into a scowl as she glared at me,
"Yeah right, me and pregnant hella no. But I would not mind being the god mother of your children, so tell me when will I be hearing the news?" She asked making me roll my head, me and Ace were both still young and believe it or not we were living our lives like a honeymoon couple and it felt as if we had not come out of that phase yet.

And to be honest I did not mind.

We had alot in our mind and our main goal was our marriage and work as well.

"Not any time soon, I am still getting my life together Cathy. Plus me and Ace as still young, we have a long way before we begin to think about children." I said to which she agreed, I knew how important it was for Ace to show to his father than he could run the Reid empire.

"I totally understand but I must say, I do not mind have little nephews or nieces much more preferred if it was nieces but hey I'm happy with both." She winked making me elbow her, she groaned in pain before catching her breath and over coming the pain as she sent me a deathly glare.

"Damn, Crystal. You sure have been eating a lot, that is your third pretzel." I scowled at her but did not stop enjoying the taste of the snack I had grabbed on the way too meet her after work, this week had been a hell of a time with feeling sick and uncomfortable. It had been a week since the celebration party me and Ace had attended, He had mentioned to me to go to the doctors since the beginning of this week after he woke up multiple days with me crouched over the toilet puking my life out.

"Will you let me be, today has been the only day where I haven't been puking all day and plus I am hungry." I justified myself, she gave me a sympathetic look knowing well how much I hated being I'll, I was for sure I had some kind of virus but hospital was a big no for me.

"Wait is that Ace with your sister." I snapped my head towards where she was pointing, in the opposite side of where we were walking sitting near the glass window were Ace and Callie. They were inside a diner, I narrowed my eyes thinking to why Ace had not mentioned to me that he was going to meet my sister.

He probably forgot.

I told myself. Shaking my head, but my eyes did not once look away.
"I am sure they are just meeting up, I mean she is his bestfriend." I said, to which Cathy gave me pointed look before sighing and nodding her head.
"Did he mention he was going to meet her?" She asked, I bit my lower lips and shook my head.
"No he did not, but I mean, I am sure he just forgot he will tell me once he gets home." I said, she looked at me concerned. We both knew of there past, and even though Ace had chosen me it was still in the back of my head.

He's your husband, he loves you a lot. They must just be catching up as friends. I told myself again, I nodded my head agreeing I trusted Ace, I knew he would never doing anything to intentionally to hurt me.
"We should go, before they see us and assume we are stalking them." I joked to which Cathy agreed, we began to walk away but my eyes looked back to the window with a small frown on my lips.

"Hey cheer up, you know Callista has taken over your fathers company. Who knows they must be on a meeting, there company are still in an alliance." She said, to which I agreed. My father much like Charles had handed over there company to there children whilst they relaxed and spent time with there wife. My father had worked a lot and he deserved to relax.

"Your right, I need to stop over thinking." I said and smiling as we walked away, I saw my driver parked in the end of the street beside Cathy's car. As we approached we hugged each other good bye, and promised to meet again before we separated and I got inside my car and she did the same but in her car.

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