Our Wifi- 12

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"Loving you was the most exquisite form of self destruction"


Penny for your thoughts...
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'Go away from his life, Ace Reid is mine. He loves me and I love him.'

That was the text I had received from an anonymous number, I had wanted to approach Ace explaining how terrified I was from the stalkerish text I was receiving. I had no idea how this person had got my number.

I had prevented myself from telling Ace, I had kept my word and stayed cleared from his way. I had moved in to stay in the guest room, continued to make him lunch but left it on the kitchen counter and made sure to not talk to him.

So here I was, sitting in front of my father who reread the text on my phone multiple times.

"Have you spoken to Ace about this?" He asked, raising his head to look at me whilst I shook my head.
"No, with the contract he has been stressed and I do not want to add to it." I half lied, it was true Ace had busied himself at work to make sure he presented the best work he could but that was not the reason to why I did not approach him.

"Your right, I will report this to my PI. I will also assign you an bodyguard." He stated picking up his phone, I grabbed ahold of his wrist whilst shaking my head again.
"Ace will get suspicious, I can not have a bodyguard. I will be fine. Just find whoever this is." I said, he looked contemplating whether to listen or not but my reassuring face made him nod his head.

"Okay, but I have to let Charles and Betsy know. I will mention to not inform Ace, they will be returning tomorrow for your fashion show." He said, I sighed not liking the idea but I nodded my head. Realising my hold on his wrist he continued to call the PI, informing him he needed the information as quick as possible.

"Thank you Father, please I have one more request." I said when he put the telephone down, he nodded his head urging me to continue.
"I want this conversation not to get to mother or Callie." I said, he arched his eyebrows in questioning but did not question me just nodded his head.

"Fine, but if things get out of hands I will have no choice but to let them know including Ace." He said to which I nodded my head, I hoped this was just a baseless threat from a die hearted fan of Ace. Giving him a goodbye kiss on his cheeks I exited his study, before walking down the stairs of my mothers house.

"Sweetie, I was not aware you had arrived. Do you want some snacks? Callie has made some cookies." At the thought of cookies my stomach rumbled, a small smile appeared on my face as I nodded my head following behind her.


I was craving chocolate Belgium ice cream, but looking inside the fridge I frowned no seeing anything that would make my baby crave. There was ice scream but not any that I wanted.

It was pass ten o clock, I frowned seeing the dark sky.

"Mrs Reid, do you want something?" Gem asked, she had returned just yesterday evening and I was glad to have her back.
"Chocolate Belgium ice cream, the baby is craving it." I said to which she smiled, she had just found out today morning regarding my pregnancy before I left to see my father.

"Unfortunately, there is no Chocolate Belgium ice cream the shop 'cravings for all' must be open, it is well known for all ice creams." She said, making my ears perk. Nodding my head I left the kitchen passing Ace who was sitting on the sofa whilst watching the television whilst I grabbed my jacket.

"Mrs Reid, will you be going alone?" Gem asked silently cursing her, I had meant to escape from here as silently as possible but at her question Ace turned to look at me with narrowed eyes.
"Where are you going?" He asked, confusion was clear in his eyes as he stood up and rounded the sofa. I opened my mouth to answer something back rudely but Gem seems to beat me.

"Mrs Reid is craving Chocolate Belgium ice cream, we do not have any so I mentioned the shop near the shopping centre 'Cravings for all' it has recently opened but sells the best ice creams." She answered, I mentally face palmed my self as Ace turned to look at her.

"We have chocolate ice cream in the freezer have that. It's too late to go get ice cream." I glared at him as he said that, I was well aware of chocolate ice cream being in the freezer but it was not what I wanted.
"No, there is chocolate ice cream in the freezer not chocolate Belgium ice cream. And I want it now." I complained like a little child crying to a toy, but to my defence I was carrying a child.

"You can have that tomorrow, just have what ever we have in the freezer." He stated making my glare turn into a deathly one, if looks could kill he would surely be six foot under ground.
"No, I will go get it now." I stated turning around and opening the door, I heard Ace curse lowly before following behind me.

"Fine, I'll drive you." He said making me freeze in my step and turn around to look at him, and after I shook my head no.
"It's fine, I can drive myself." I stated approaching his car, he beat me too it and got inside the drivers seat I cursed before calling him a child before rounding the car and getting inside of the cars passenger seat.

I smiled brightly as he drove into the drive through of 'Cravings for all' being nearly midnight, there was no one around.

"How May I help you?" The women asked, she had an head set around her ears whilst she smiled enjoying her job.
"I want-"
"One Belgium chocolate ice cream and one mint chocolate ice cream." He ordered, the women nodded her head typing it on the screen before extending the card machine which he tapped.

"You can drive to the next window, your ice cream will be ready." He nodded his head at her before driving to the next window, and indeed our ice cream were ready to hand there was two scoops in a cup. I smiled widely as he handed it to me, moaning as I tasted the ice cream in my mouth.

I opened my eyes and turned to look at him, he was already staring at me with dark eyes filled with lust.
"I want some." He stated making me arch my eyebrows at him,
"You already have your ice cream, eat that." I said whilst moving my ice cream away from his reach and placing another spoon filled with ice cream in my mouth.

"Just one." He said, he gave me his best puppy eyes making me sigh and hand over my ice cream.
"Only one." I said and he nodded his head, my eyes widened as he took a big scoop before placing it in his mouth.

"You ate half of my ice cream." I screamed out loud, my eyes clouded in anger as he smirked.

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