The Visitor (1)

64 1 4

TW: Zoning out, voices

*Knock, knock, knock* YN runs straight to the door and Wilbur slowly peeks his head from around the corner to assess the situation. "HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE, HE'S HEREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" YN screams loud enough for the whole world to hear. "Could you say that any louder?" Wilbur teased. YN rolls her eyes and excitedly pushes open the grand wooden doors with all of her might, behind the solid wooden doors is a tall figure, wearing a flowery Hawaiian button-up shirt that was unbuttoned and underneath he had a plain, white t-shirt. The figure was also wearing normal blue jeans and sensible, black running shoes.

As the figure walked closer, you could see his fluffy brown hair, typical black sunglasses, and a black and white facemask. "Hey kids!!!!" the figure said in a somewhat calm yet energetic voice. "UNCLE RANBOO" YN screams and runs towards the man, "Hey Wil" Ranboo calmly says as he knows how shy Wilbur can be. "H-Hi" he shyly mumbles while staring at the ground below him, believing if he were to say one wrong thing, the ground would collapse beneath him.

"Ranboo!!" a voice from the hall yells, a faint cry is heard in the distance, "Oops, I must have yelled too loudly" the same voice proclaims. "I'll get him, Dad" Wilbur blurts, "Alright mate" Phil says calmly. Wilbur quickly runs towards the cries while Phil, Ranboo, and YN continue to talk.

"It's ok honey, I have him, he's ok," says a sweet calming voice. "Ok mum," Wilbur says with a smile. The baby begins to giggle, "my sweet, precious, funny boys, you are both the best sons I could ever ask for" Mumza whispers loud enough for the boys to hear. Wil starts to walk towards his baby brother (who is technically not a baby) and gets him out of his bed and towards the boy's door before being stopped by a gentle hand on their shoulders. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Mumza questions, obviously already knowing the answer, she holds up a book, Wilbur had been carrying a book while he was at the door and had placed it down when he entered Tommy's room."Thank you, mum" Wilbur happily says with appreciation. "You're welcome my sweet boy".

Tommy slowly waddles down the hallway towards his father with Wilbur following not too far behind him. "Hey Tommy!!!!" YN screams with excitement, Phil turns his head to face the boys, "Look who's up" he says in a soft cute voice. "Hewo daddy" Tommy says while rubbing his eyes as he's just woken up. "Say hi to uncle Ranboo, Tommy" Phil says in a friendly yet calm voice, "Hi uncle Wamboo" Tommy yells excitedly, "Hey Big Man Tom" Ranboo yells in an equally excited tone.

Wilbur anxiously looks down at his hands, "You alright Wil?" Phil speaks in a mildly concerned tone, Wilbur doesn't acknowledge that his father said anything and continues to stare at his hands. Phil slowly creeps towards Wilbur but is stopped by Ranboo. "Are you ok, Wilbur?" Ranboo says while walking towards the boy and simply placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. Wilbur jolts his head up to look at his family who is now silent and staring at him like he is an animal at a zoo, "I- I'm fine, just... tired" Wilbur replies while hiding his hands.

Everything is silent, both in and out of Wilbur's mind, he's always liked silence but this time he didn't, it felt like the whole world had stopped to judge him. He hated it. Wilbur was suddenly awoken from his thoughts when his father tapped him on the shoulder. "Huh?!?!" Wilbur said in a panicky tone, "Wil, are you sure you're ok, you just stood there for 5 minutes in silence while everyone was talking to you" Phil stated anxiously, "I'M FINE, OK!!!" Wilbur screams in a demanding voice, everything goes silent "I- I'm sorry" Wilbur whispers, then he runs as fast as he can down the hall to his room.

"Shut up, Shut up, SHUT UP" Wilbur screams to himself, *knock knock* "You ok?" YN calmly whispers loud enough for her brother to hear. "I'm fine" Wilbur replies sadly. "Really, you sure don't seem fine" YN says calmly. Wilbur doesn't say anything. "Hey, how about you play a song on your guitar" YN says to break the silence, "Sure" Wilbur says eager to change the subject.

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