Bee Boy (6)

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TW: Blood, cuts, panic attacks, alcohol, Drugs, Physical and verbal abuse, running away, hinting towards a broken bone, insomnia (Idk if thats a trigger)

Phils POV

I hear a knock at the door. I walk over to the door and open it.

"Tubbo?!?!" I look down at the crying boy with blood knotted through his hair and cuts all over his body. "You ok mate?" I say calmly to not scare the already crying boy. I invite him in and sit him on the lounge (Couch for my American readers). "Kristen, Techno, Come help me with something please." I scream up the stairs. Techno immediately slides down the stairs railing. "What's up old ma- Tubbo?!?!"

Techno POV (Brought to you by, a boring science class)

I slide down the stairs expecting to see paper work or a mess from Tommy or the twins but the sight I see is a small boy crying on the lounge with cuts and blood all over him. I am knocked out of my thoughts by a scream and immediately cover my ears to hear a muffled "TUBBO?!?!?!?!" I assume that was mum judging by the fact dad isn't usually that loud and the scream came from someone with an American accent. Mum and I are the only people with American accents. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, which I assumed was my dad but as a look up I see a boy with red puffy eyes and scruffy knotted brown hair.

Tubbo POV (Another POV change, I know lol)

First I hear a scream, then see Techno swiftly cover his ears, I panic trying to think of what to do then I remember what my mum used to do when I had panic attacks. She would hug me, place a hand on my shoulder or touch me in any sort of way to pull me back to reality. I quietly and slowly walk over to Techno and place a hand on his shoulder to get his attention then tell him to listen to my breathing. Now while I'm only 5 I'm very smart. Not in the way of math or english but because I am really good at calming people and I'm also good at getting out of harmful and scary situations. That's how I ended up here. My mum came home drunk and probably high judging by the way her eyes looked. She walked staight towards my room (which is acctually just a small closet) and slammed a beer bottle over my head and started punching, kicking and stabbing me with broken shards of glass. Once she left she forgot to lock the closet so I knew that was my only chance to escape. I ran towards the stairs and climbed up them went into my old room which still had all my old stuff in it. I lock the door and grab a small bag and fill it with the small amount of money I had, photos of before the divorce and pictures of my dad, and I also grabbed my bee I got from my dad and my favourite bee hoodie along with some other clothes.

I climb out the window and run, I hear distant screams from my drunken mother but don't stop running. I run to the only safe place I know, Tommy's house.

As I hear Techno breathe more steadily I am about to speak but pulled into a hug before I can even open my mouth. I reach my hand to my face and it feels... wet? Oh... I was crying. "I-I'm s-sorry. I ne-need to b-be st-stron-g." I say still sobbing. "You're safe now Tubbs." I hear Techno whisper still holding me close.

Tommy POV (Morning math lesson! I'm bored)

I hear screaming and crying downstairs so I carefully crawl down the stairs to see Techno hugging someone on the ground and mum and dad holding in tears. "Whats wrong? Mummy? Daddy?" Mum starts to move closer to me then picks me up. Before anyone has the chance to say anything I see Tubbo... But he looks... Different? "Tubso?" He had puffy red eyes and tear tracks running down his face he also had so many bruises, cuts and a swollen arm.

I jump down from my mothers arms and run to my best friend and pull him into a hug. "Are you ok?" I feel tubbo shake his head into my shoulder. I hold him tighter and slowly rock back and forth. Eventually he falls asleep still leaning on my shoulder. I signal for Techno to pick him up and I whisper "Put him in my room, I'll sleep on the floor" Techno simply nods and carries him up the stairs.

(Time skip brought to you by my laziness)

Wilbur POV

I look at my digital clock and it reads 12:43am. 'Why do I always wake up so earlyyyyyy' I think to myself, I quietly make my way down the stairs to get a glass of water and see a shadow of a person. "Hey Tech" I say plainly to not scare him. "Hey Wil, can't sleep again?" "Yea, I'm guessing you can't sleep either" "Nope" Everything is silent for a moment, not the awkward silence but the calm, peaceful silence. But of course nothing good lasts forever.


Me and Techno both give eachother a worried look and seconds later everyone is coming down the stairs.


A/N: Ending on a sort of cliffhanger. More posts should be coming out soon but I've been busy with school soooooo...

Also, this was written prior to Technoblade's death, I probably will be updating more once I write more chapters but please give me suggestions for the book because I don't know where to go with it.

Eat, drink and sleep!!! Also remember, it's ok to cry and be sad. You have all the right to feel emotions. You and your emotions are valid.


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