An Old Friend (11)

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TW: None

(Tommy POV)

Tomorrow is Tubbos birthday!!! Today he is going to a park with Daddy to see his birth dad, whatever that means. According to daddy he isn't my birth dad but he's still my family? It's confusing.

While they're gone we're wrapping presents for Tubbo's birthday and for christmas! Mummy is helping me.

(Tubbo POV)

I'm in the car with my favourite green button up with a little bee stitched onto the pocket right over my heart and some blue jeans. I'm terrified, I haven't seen this man since I was 2 or 3. I grab onto my bee plush which I also brought to calm me down. "Ok, we're here!" I get out of the car and hold dad's hand and we walk towards him. I immediately recognize him, his comforting smile, soft eyes that match mine and his fluffy brown hair. I look at Dad before he gives me a small nod, I let go of his hand and speed walk over to my father and hug him.

"Look how big you've gotten!!" I smile "Hey, I'm Phil" Dad sticks his hand out towards my birth father. " I'm Schlatt" he hugs dad instead of shaking his hand.

"Thank you so much for saving my boy, I never knew she would do that stuff, I tried to reach out to Toby but his mother wouldn't let me." My father started to...Cry? I end up joining the hug between my Dad and Father. "It's ok mate, Toby is the best kid I could ask to look after" Dad looks at me "Don't tell your siblings" I laugh, "Only if I get icecream." "Deal".

We all end up walking towards an icecream parlor nearby and I get honeycomb choc icecream, Dad got vanilla and my bio Dad got chocolate. "Look my icecream has a bee spoon!!!!!" Both my dads laugh "So I see you still love bees!" "Yeah! I still have the toy you got me!" I pull the bee out of my pocket and show both the men.

                                                                             (The box looks like this)

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                                                                             (The box looks like this)

"Wait til tomorrow to open it, ok bud" I nod and hug him "Even though I was so young when I knew you I still never gave up hope on finding you. I'm glad I have two of the best dads ever!"

A little bit later we had to leave so I say goodbye to my bio dad and me and Dad walk back to the car.

"Thank you" I hug Dad's arm "What for?" "You let me see my bio dad and you took me in when nobody else wanted me." "No problem buddy" We start driving home while listening to Freaks by Jordan Clarke

[Start song here]

I've been locked in the locker

I was picked last in soccer

And they say that it's all fun

But their fun, it ain't fun, man, I'm done

And I know we're all different

Our beliefs and religions

But I don't see the difference

In me, you

Yo, tu

Or moi, vous

So if you've had enough, then

Come to the land of the lost and lonely

Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family

Of freaks like you and me

I know a place where the bruised and broken

Live like the kings and the queens of tragedy

Just freaks like you and me

We are the freaks

I've been kicked down in the dirt

I pretend that it don't hurt

And I know that they're just words

But sticks, stones, they break bones

But just know

We could all be disciples

And we'll write our own Bible

We'll put freaks in the title

It's me, you

Yo, tu

And moi, vous

So if you've had enough, then

Come to the land of the lost and lonely

Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family

Of freaks like you and me

I know a place where the bruised and broken

Live like the kings and the queens of tragedy

Just freaks like you and me

We are the freaks

Come to the land of the lost and lonely

Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family

Of freaks like you and me

I know a place where the bruised and broken

Live like the kings and the queens of tragedy

Just freaks like you and me

Come home

Where you can be you, I can be me

We'll never leave, 'cause we are the freaks

Come home

Where you can be you, I can be me

We'll never leave, 'cause we are the freaks

We are the freaks

When the song finishes we are home. I jump out of the car and walk inside. "Hey, Tubs! How did it go?" I hear Mum call from the kitchen "It was awesome!! I have the best two dads in the world!!!" "Well, that's great bud!!" "Also, Dad said I'm his favorite, I'm better than Y/n, Techno, Tommy, and Wilbur. TAKE THAT MUSIC NERD!!!!" "Tubbo! I said not to tell them! Also, don't call your brother a nerd please." "But he is a nerd." I playfully whine. Dad just laughs in response.

We all have dinner and then we go to bed an hour ish later. I can't sleep so I climb onto the roof. "Tubbo? What are you doing up here?" "I can't sleep, how about you?" "Same." I climb the rest of the way and sit next to techno. "Is something bothering you?" "No, I'm just overthinking. Like today my bio dad said his name was schlatt and I'm almost certain I've heard that name before." "Actually that does sound familiar, here come with me." I follow Techno through his window and into his room. I sit on his bed and techno sits next to me.

"Is this him?" he shows me a picture of my bio dad about a year or two ago "Mhm," Techno starts to read a news article "Famous streamers and YouTubers Jschlatt and Philza announce collab on a hardcore Minecraft world in commemoration of their mother Jane Minecraft." "What?!" I say whisper yelling "Wait, so Phil is your Biological uncle and adoptive dad and you're my cousin?" "Is that how Phil got in contact with my bio dad so easily?" "I guess so?" "This is confusing"

Me and Tech talk for a bit before I end up falling asleep on his lap" (Platonic you fucking weirdos!!!!)

(Techno POV)

I notice Tubbo has stopped replying to me when I hear faint snoring, I see Tubbo asleep on my lap. I grab my phone from my bedside table and snap a picture then pick him up and put him on my bed completely and lay down next to him and before long I'm asleep.


A/n- Only 4 more chapters left!!! I will post the first chapter of the new book when I post the last chapter of this book, See you tomorrow! 

Eat, sleep, breathe and I'm proud of you!

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