Traditions (12)

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TW: Nightmares, fake swords, divorce, mental health declining, alcohol/being drunk, attempted murder

(The next morning, and Tubbo POV)

I wake up next to Techno and see that I have a tight grip on his arm. Right, I had a nightmare... again. I let go of his arm and he turns to face me. "Sorry" "For what" "Well for starters, I'm asleep in your bed, and secondly there is a giant red mark on your arm"

"Eh, it's fine, Anyways Happy birthday bee boy!" "Thanks, Thats the most emotion I've ever heard in your voice" "Shut uUp" "I'm Technoblade and I have voice cracks and show no emotion" I say in a mocking tone. Techno pushes me off the bed making sure I land on my not broken wrist.

"You BITCH!!!!" I grab his foam sword (like a minecraft sword or whatever) and start stabbing him with it "Don't make me get my actual sword bee boy" "Will you two shut up, it is 4:30 in the morning" I look over to see a very sleepy Dad in the doorway, "NEVER OLD MAN" Both me and Techno scream at the same time. Techno picks up another foam sword and we both start stabbing Dad while he screamed for mercy.

After all the chaos had settled everyone was awake and downstairs except for me. I was told to stay up here until I was called down which was sus but I did it anyway. (Amongus)

10 minutes later everyone called me down so I walked down the stairs into the living room and was utterly shocked. "What the fuuu-" "Tommy's down here" "-uun, Um what the fun?" Everyone starts bursting out laughing. I run to the couch and hug everyone "I love you guys" "We love you too nerd, now open your gifts." "Techo, don't call your brother but I also agree, open your gifts" I hear Techno mutter "Old man" under his breath, I chuckle.

"I-I can't take all this, it's too much" I say looking at all the gifts i have opened. I see 3 gifts left, The one from my bio dad, and two others. "It's not too much bud, Plus you have 3 more!" I walk over to the last 3 presents and grab the one from my bio dad first. Dad starts recording while I open it. "I-" "What is it Tubs?" "Its a box labeled, 'My baby boy' and an envelope?' "Open the envelope first mate" I listen to dad and open the envelope and start to read.

"To Toby, If you are reading this it means your mother did really go through with the divorce, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you mate. I love seeing your smile and hearing your laugh, I love seeing you scream with excitement every time you see a bee and I will miss our little adventures in the park. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you learn to read or write or for your first day of school. I'm glad you will have your mum but sad you won't have a dad. It's your third birthday tomorrow, you are truely growing up too quickly. I should probably explain some things. 1. I am a ram hybrid and your mother is a bee hybrid,This gives you a chance of being either type of hybrid or both 2. The reason your mother is divorcing me is because her mental health has recently fallen, she tried to kill me a few nights ago when she was drunk. It's not safe anymore. If you need to contact me my phone number is written on the tag of you bee which I got you and I'm giving it to you tomorrow. Never lose hope my little bee, I will find you. Love... dad"

By the end of the letter I was crying. I ran up the stairs to grab my bee. I pick it up and look at the tag, 'Daddy's number, **********'

I take a minute to calm myself down before going back downstairs. I walk into the living room, still holding my bee and open the box that my bio dad also gave to me.

In the box was a collection of photos, a little book full of notes titled 'one note every day for Toby' and a framed picture of me and my dad in a flower field with heaps of bees around us. I show Dad the photo and he smiles.

After I look through all the photos I decide to read the notes later cause that could take 10 years.

"Heres your next one for when you're ready" Techno hands me a small ish box and I open it, its the dino hoodie!! "Really?!?!" "Mhm!" I only now realized everyone was wearing their dino hoodie. I quickly slip mine on and it is a little big but I like it. "Thank youuuuuu!!!!!"

"Ok last one bee man!" "Thanks, Music boy" "Why aren't I a man" "Too immature." I state plainly like Techno does "You've been spending too much time with Techno." Dad starts recording and I open the box "HOLY SHIT REALLY?!?!?!" "Well it would be a little rude to say sike now wouldn't it" I jump up and hug dad "YES YES YES OF COURSE!!!" Everyone joins in on the hug "You sound like Kristen when I proposed" "Oh shut up Philip Mincraft" everyone erupts into laughter.

For the rest of the day we watch movies until we go out for dinner, then go home and go to bed. I have an hour and a half until I need to be at the park with a cheap store-bought cake, It's a tradition me and my friend, Aimsey came up with many years ago.

I walk into Techno's room, "Hey Tech, can you drive me to the gas station and park please." He looks at me confused "Why?" "Me and my friend have had a tradition of going to the same park every year since the divorce with a cheap cake and staying there until 4ish in the morning." "I guess I could, What time do you need to be there?" "In an hour ish" "ok so around midnight" "Yep. Also please dont tell dad." "Ok, I'll say I'm going on a drive and I can sneak you out with me" "Ok!"

30 minutes later me and Techno are leaving the house going towards the gas station (Petrol station) once we are there we start looking at the cakes and I pick out the cheapest cake they have, as per tradition. It is a small chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. "Thank you" I say to the cashier and we head towards the car. "Can I put on some music?" "Sure bud" Techno hands me his unlocked phone, Bad idea man. "Whos sally?" "Wilburs totally not a crush" "Pfft" "Now, Put on some music please." "Right" I choose the song 'everything stays from adventure time'

[Start song here]

Let's go in the garden

You'll find something waiting

Right there where you left it lying upside down

When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded

The underside is lighter when you turn it around

Everything stays right where you left it

Everything stays

But it still changes

Ever so slightly, daily and nightly

In little ways, when everything stays

Go down to the ocean

The crystal tide is raising

waters' gotten higher as the shore washes out

Keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazin'

The moon controls the tide, it can cause you to drown

Everything stays, right where you've left it

Everything stays, but it still changes

Ever so slightly, daily and nightly

In little ways

When everything stays

A little after the song finishes we are at the park and I see Aimsey. "AIMSEY!!" "TUBBO!!!" We both run to each other "I have so much to tell you" We only ever see each other on our birthdays but Aimsey couldn't come on their birthday this year. "Oh yeah! By the way, This is Techno, My brother and cousin, it's a long story." "Well, we have all night, Also, nice to meet you Techno!" Techno just smiles. "He's not good with people."

The rest of the night is just me and Aimsey talking with the occasional comment from Techno. We all ate the cake. "That tasted like shit" "It always does dear" "What the fuck!! That's weirder than me talking to that bee and making a whole fucking backstory and everything for it!!!" "Oh, also I have discord now!" "Wait really?! So do I!!!!" Me and Aimsey exchange discords and talk a little longer.

"Alright we have to go soon Tubs, Aimsey if you want I can give you a lift to your place" (Also btw, Techno is 17, he can drive) "Umm, yeah sure, Tubbo trusts you so I trust you too!" "sweet. Both of you in the back seats, I don't want a fight over the front seat"

Aimsey gets dropped off at their house so me and Techno start driving home. 

This was the best birthday ever.

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