Healing (10)

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TW: Self-harm (Mention), eating disorders (Mention), trauma (Mention), jail (mention), blood, court (Mention), Mention of broken bones, mention of abuse, Breaking the 4th wall.


(This Takes place 3-4 months after the previous chapter)

(Tubbo POV)

I hear a knock at my bedroom- I mean the bedroom door, "Come in!" Phil walks in and sits on the end of the bed, I move from the desk to the chair. "What's up?" "I have a present for you" he pulls out a leather book from behind his back. "What is it?" "It's a journal, I've given each of my kids a book to write their emotions, feelings, or whatever they want to write. I thought since you are a part of this family and because you've been through a lot I should give you one too."

I feel... water... on my cheeks...? Oh, I'm crying. Why though? I'm happy! Phil just said I was a part of this family, why am I crying? "C-can I h-hug y-you" I say still slightly sobbing. Before I can overthink how stupid of a question that was I am engulfed in a giant hug. "I-I lov-ve yo-you...Dad" I hear Phil start to cry. "I-I'm sorry-" "I love you t-too son"

Soon after Phil leaves the room and I look at the diary in my hands, I open it to the first page and begin to write,

"15th of Dec

Dear diary,

I think that's how you start these things anyway, I have no clue. Anyways, I've been through a lot in the last few months, and in my whole life in general, I'm glad Phil and his family have accepted me for who I am and have given me a chance at life. A chance to heal.

I'm not the only one who has been healing though, last month Dad found out about Wilbur's eating disorder and he's started getting help with that! And he's started getting help with his self-harm too which he told me about one night when we were sitting on the roof because he saw me with blood dripping down my arms. I also found out Techno did self-harm too so Dad got us all group therapy and singles therapy.

Y/n has gotten more comfortable with their body and aren't as scared to show who they really are!

My birht mother tried to take me back but then Dad won hte court case and she was put in jail!

Sometimes I miss when we were a family and I miss my birth dad. but I did manage to get in contact with him and we're meeting up in a week for my birthday! (Which is the day after) It's also almost Christmas, this will be my first proper Christmas other than befor the divorce which I can't really remember. I also ended up with a broken wrist from my birth mother which is still in a cast because of how badly she broke it.

The Point is, family doensn't have to be blood, it's the people who love you and who you love." (A/n: all spelling and grammar mistakes are on purpose for this part)

During the movie, I see Wilbur willingly eat the snacks which made me happy to see him making progress.

Halfway through the movie I feel a weight on my shoulder and see Tommy asleep, then not long after Wilbur, then y/n laying across me and Wilbur asleep as well. By the end of the movie everyone is asleep other than me and Tech. We look at each other and both get up and head toward the roof. It took a while to get everyone off me without then waking up but I managed. I grab a bag of sweets (candy, lollies, etc) stuff them in my pocket, and climb up to the roof being careful of my wrist.

"You ok Tubs?" "Yeah..." "I'm glad I found this family, you guys saved me." We both stayed silent for a bit before Techno hugged me. "Tell anyone I hugged you I will tell dad you tried to drive his car that night" "Not tried, succeeded, but deal anyways. Now, do you want some sweets?" "You mean candy right?" "No I mean sweets" "Actually it's lollies." "Who said that!?!?!" "Me, The author of this book"


I thought that last little bit would be funny and I was right, also for anyone wondering, I'm Australian so I call things and write things differently to Americans and almost every other place :)

Enjoy your day/night

Also yes I am making a Christmas chapter in July. What are you gonna do about it?

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