Boobs Be Gone (8)

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A/N: Credit for the title, my little sister, I told her my ideas for the chapter and she thought of that name. Enjoy!! also I thought a live version of the song would be better.

TW: Unsafe Binding, Passing out, mentions of bullying, slight mention of surgery.


(Techno POV)

"Anyways, How long until your binders come?" "Umm... They came last week..." "That's great!" "I haven't worn them yet..." "Why? I thought you didn't like having a bigger chest?" "I don't, I'm just scared and I still haven't told dad and I don't know what he'll think and-" "He'll love you no matter what, trust me. If you want you can put one on today and I'll help you tell him, It's ok if you don't feel comfortable. It's up to you, there's no rush" "I'll do it!" I smiled at Y/N. I hear Wilbur's window open and see him climb up to the roof with his guitar on his back. "Mind if I join?" "Only if you sing a song!" Y/N says and I chuckle at her excitement.

Wilbur comes and sits on my left and Y/N is on my right and he starts to play Jubilee Line as the sun begins to rise.

[Start song here]

Wasting your time

You're wasting mine

I hate to see you leaving

A fate worse than dying

Your city gave me asthma

So that's why I'm fucking leaving

And your water gave me cancer

And the pavement hurt my feelings

Shout at the wall

'Cause the walls don't fucking love you

Shout at the wall

'Cause the walls don't fucking love you

There's a reason

That London puts barriers on the tube line

There's a reason

That London puts barriers on the rails

There's a reason

That London puts barriers on the tube line

There's a reason

London puts barriers on the rails

There's a reason

That London puts barriers on the tube line

There's a reason

They fail

I hear a window open and look down expecting to see dad or mum but see Tubbo starting to climb up. "I saw your note, can I join?" "Of course, be careful though, don't fall." "This isn't my first time climbing onto a roof." Tubbo states like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Ok?, Still be careful, dad would kill me if I let you get hurt" Tubbo climbs up and sits next to Wilbur and we all sit there enjoying each other's company.

Everyone goes back inside and I go into Y/N's and Wilbur's room while Wilbur goes off to find Tubbo. I close the door behind me and Y/N gets their binders out and puts them on their bed. "Which one do I try first?" "Try the medium size, then we'll go from there." "Oki!"

I leave the room until Y/N tells me to come back in. "You look great!!!" "Thank you! I feel great!!!" "So is that the medium?" "Yeah! So I think I'm a medium or small." "Ok! I'll order more for you and I think Eret has some small binders from before his surgery." "Thanks, big bro!" "No problem! Also, are you going to tell mum and dad today?" "Maybe, I'll tell Wilbur today but I don't know about everyone else." "That's ok, I'm proud of you for even telling me and Wilbur."

I left the room to go call Eret and ask him for the binders while Y/N got ready to tell Wil.

"MUSIC BOY, COME UP HERE!!!!!" I heard swift bangs coming from the stairs, "What?" "come with me, Y/N has something to tell you" "ok??" We walk into Y/N's and Wilbur's room and Y/N comes out of the bathroom. Wilbur immediately looks shocked and surprised. "So Wil, I'm Non-binary!" Wilbur walks towards Y/N and hugs her. "I love and support you no matter what, do you have a preferred name?" "Y/N is fine, Thank you. Also, I use They/them pronouns." "Ok!" I spoke up eventually, "Don't tell anyone else, us three and Eret are the only ones who know" "Ok!"

(Timeskip to later that day)

(Also Y/N POV)

"Mum, Dad, can we talk?" "Yeah, Of course!" "Umm" I look to Techno and he nods "I'm... Non-Binary and use They/Them pronouns" Mum pulls me into a tight hug and whispered in my ear "I love you no matter what, You are valid, No one thinks of you differently." Once I pull away from the hug I notice Dad is gone and so is Techno. "Where'd Dad and Techno go?" "I don't know?"

I sit down on the couch leaning against mum, some random show is on but I'm not really watching it.

Sometime later Dad and techno come down and dad pulls me into a hug. "Can we talk outside?" "Of course Y/n" We both walk outside and sit down on the porch steps. "Why did you leave when I told you?" "I knew I should tell you eventually." "Tell me what?" "Well, when I was a kid I was born a female. I hated having a bumpy chest and I hated my lower area, so I told my parents I was a boy, they were very supportive and even let me get the surgery! But I was 14 at that point so I legally couldn't get it until I was 16. I started wearing binders but one day I was in PE class and went to get changed in the changing stall and forgot to take off my binder and I passed out, I was lucky to be ok and lucky to still be able to get the surgery when I was 16 but I was bullied even more and called so many slurs, names and was hated by everyone." Dad started to softly cry "I'm sorry dad, I didn't know." "It's ok, there's a bright side to this story" "Really?" "Mhm," He wiped his eyes "So when I was 15 I was still ignored by everyone but then your mother started coming to the same high school and she saw how badly everyone was treating me, and we started to form a close bond. Eventually, I built up the courage to ask her out, we started dating and she was there for my surgery and eventually I proposed, she said yes then we had kids." "Then you adopted Tommy and Techno" "Yeah, how did you know?" "I still remember parts of the night they came home and Techno told me the rest"

We sat outside for a while until Mumza called us inside for dinner.


A/N: Thank you for reading, eat sleep and breathe. Also, you guys can call me either author or porks and I use They/Them pronouns. Also, I wish my family was this supportive lol 

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