Surprises (4)

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Tw: self hate, a knife, running away


This is a short chapter, sorry, haven't had much time for writing but hopefully, I'll be posting more often. :) Enjoy!

Also, I added some music for the people who are into that, it doesn't really relate to the story but idc. 


I've always felt... lonely. Wilbur gets so much attention. He thinks dad spends all his free time with me but that's not quite true. When Wilbur and YN were born, dad promised to make me feel included and loved but after he said that he would spend all his time with the twins, never with me. Then when Tommy was born, any last scrap of attention I had was given to Tommy, YN and Wilbur. Once I tested whether anyone would notice if I were gone so I left the house for a week. Nobody noticed I was gone. Even my friends have stopped hanging out with me, everyone hates me. I wish I were Wilbur. Or even Tommy.

Suddenly as techno finishes writing the last word he hears footsteps. "Shit" He says to himself as he hides his book under his pillow. "Techno, Can I come in?" his father says softly. "Uhh sure" He replies hesitantly. Slowly the door begins to creak open. "You ok Techno?" "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be". Phil looked at his son before speaking. " Your cheeks are wet" He points out as he wipes his sons face with his sleeve. As Phil reached his hands out to hug his son Techno flinched and knocked his pillow which uncovered his book.

"I'm sorry Techno" he apologies as his attention is immediately directed to the book. Techno realises what he's looking at but by then it's too late. Phil is already flicking through the pages as he comes to his newest page. Phil begins to read it aloud.

"I've always felt... lonely. Wilbur gets so much attention. He thinks dad spends all his free time with me but that's not quite true. When Wilbur and YN were born, dad promised to make me feel included and loved but after he said that he would spend all his time with the twins, never with me. Then when Tommy was born, any last scrap of attention I had was given to Tommy, YN and Wilbur. Once I test-" He suddenly stopped. "I-I'm sorry dad" Techno says, trying to hide his tears. "No, I'm sorry Techno, I guess with all the chaos of your siblings I kinda just... forgot" "HOW DO YOU FORGET ABOUT YOUR OWN CHILD, DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT MY LIFE IS LIKE?!?!" Techno screams before running out the door and slamming it behind him.

Techno ran hastily down the grand stairs and out the door to a small abandoned shed, he came here often. He stumbled across this place when he was 5 or 6 years old, this was when his brother and sister were born, to be exact, when he had been told his brother would die. Techno thought of the moment and felt a cold shiver go down his spine. Techno sat on a lounge chair he brought into the shed a few years ago and pulled out his phone and turned off his location, he didn't want anyone finding this place, to Techno, this was the only place he could relax, escape, and be free from his family.

Techno suddenly heard a tree branch snap and reached for his knife, then he heard a... toddler...? It was Tommy! Techno immediately ran outside. "TOMMY!, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" "I saw you wunning (running) away so i fowwoed (followed)". Techno walked towards Tommy and picked him up, "Let me take you home bud" 

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