Maybe Family Is Forever (14)

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TW: None :)


(Tubbos POV)

It's 3pm and people are starting to arrive for our new years eve party! My bio father is coming, along with Aimsey, Ranboo, Jack, Niki, Fundy, and a few more of my friends I met at school! And sally, Wilbur's crush, is coming!!!!

(Time skip to 5pm)

I hear a knock at the door and sprint to the door! "HII SALLY!!!! WILBURS REALLY EXCITED TO SE–" "SHUT IT TUBBO" He says pushing me out of the way. "Seven-year-olds, Am I right! Anyways come with me, there's food on the table-" He keeps rambling but I just walk away.

Around 10 me and my friends are sitting up on the roof looking at the stars. "This is fun!" Niki says "Yeah! Me and my siblings come up here all the time!" "We should probably go inside now, Wilburs band is about to start playing and if I'm not inside he'll run around screaming 'FURRY BOY'" Everyone tries to hold in their laughter but obviously fails.

We all climb back inside just in time to listen to Wilbur's band.

[start song here]

Under the weight of a broken nose

It's not that simple, but he won't seem to notice

There must be more to this

So leave those sink estates and

Let's book a holiday

We're painting all the counties in blue

'Cause we're already boring

And we're already hoarding

What else have we got left to accrue?

And the ramblers will say

"It's got a marvelous view"

But they don't know how many lives it took, no

They'll never know what you knew

And we're so calm but we're (fucking scared, fucking scared)

And we're so calm but we're (fucking scared, fucking scared)

And we're so calm but we're (fucking scared, fucking scared)

And we're so calm but we're fucking scared of people like you

Under the weight of some Sertraline

A couple Prozacs, and now I'm pumping dopamine

There must be more to this

We've got a country house now

Old dog has been put down now

It's nice to be around trees

Custom license plate

On our Audi R8

How many grocers does one county need?

And the ramblers will say

"It's still a marvelous view"

That treadmill still looms

Your hedonic misuse

So come on, one and all to see the apathy

The reams of gray stencils that fill the tapestry

I look to all of you and see a different fucking species

Aspiration for a different destination to me

Across the Pennines, there's a thin blue line, a knife, and a mall

I would do something if it wasn't all so effortful

'Cause I'm so high, my brain can't even look at the fall

And when you've reached the top there's nowhere else to go but-

(Time skip to 11:59 and 50 seconds)

I look around the room and see all my friends and family, they may not be blood but they're still family. I used to think family were horrible people who left you but now I can truthfully say, Maybe family is forever.

"FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!" Everyone screams, I look around and see Mum and dad kissing, then I turn to my left and see "WILBUR AND SALLY ARE KISSING!!!" Everyone directs their attention to Wilbur and Sally awkwardly standing there both of who are blushing. "Uhhhh- Happy new year?" Wilbur says embarrassment clear in his voice. Everyone bursts out laughing.

I love my weird family.


A/n: This is the happy ending but the next part will have a sadder ending. You have been warned.

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