The Fall (2)

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Tw: Falling, sprained bones, passing out

YN had always noticed when her brother snuck out every night around midnight but after today, she wanted to see where he was going. As her brother slowly opened the window and began to climb out, YN heard a scream, it sounded like her brother, YN immediately shot out of bed and ran to the window. "WILBUR" YN screamed in search of her brother. "YN, HELP, I'M STUCK" her brother screamed back. YN instantly looked down and saw her brother hanging onto the ledge out their window. "DON'T WORRY WIL, I'LL GET DAD" YN said fearful of her brother falling. "NO" Wilbur spoke in a stern tone, "Don't get dad, I'm fine" Wilbur said calmly. YN didn't listen to her brother and ran off to her parents' room.

"MUM, DAD, WILBUR IS IN TROUBLE" YN screamed waking the both of them, Those four words were all Phil needed to gain the energy to run up the stairs and down the hall with Mumza following not too far behind. As they reached the room YN pointed towards the window and Phils heart dropped. "YN, I SAID I'M FINE" Wilbur called, still holding on for his life, then he dropped, but then the unthinkable happened, Wil was saved by... teleportation? One minute he was hanging on for dear life and the next he was sitting on his bed? "Boo, Boo, Boo" Wilbur kept repeating, "Boo? What do you mean, Wil?" YN questioned. "Boo saved me... Ranboo" Wilbur spoke amazed at what had just happened.

YN, Philza, Mumza and Wilbur all went off to find Ranboo, "RANBOO!!" They all called. "What" Ranboo said sleepily, Phil started off by saying "I know this sounds crazy but, did you teleport and save Wil from falling?" Ranboo sat silent for a second before responding, "I- I don't think I did" "BUT I SAW YOU, YOU WINKED AT ME" Wilbur screamed before anyone said anything. "LOOK I'LL PROVE IT" he screamed. Wilbur jumps out the window but this time is not teleported back inside. "WILBUR'' everyone screamed as the boy hit the ground below.

Everyone rushed outside to see if Wilbur was ok, "He has a pulse" Phil said with a sigh of relief, "Is he ok" YN cried "well he's breathing and not dead but we should probably bring him inside before it starts r-" Before Phil could finish his sentence the rain started. "YN, you and Mumza pick up his legs and I'll pick up his head and body" Phil instructed, Both YN and Mumza did exactly as Phil said.

Once they had all put the boy down on his bed he started to wake up, "M-Mum, D-Dad?" The boy said as he awoke. "WILBUR!!! YOU'RE OK!!!!" YN screamed, "Jesus YN" Phil said. "Sorry" she apologised. "You ok Wil?" Phil asked as he had noticed his son in pain. Wilbur paused for a moment, "Yeah, I'm fine" he replied cautiously. "Ok, you kids need to get some sleep, you've had a long day" Mumza said as she said goodnight to her kids and went off to bed after Phil turned off the lights.

Throughout the night YN had noticed Wilbur tossing and turning in pain and clenching his right arm. "Hey Wil?" YN whispered "Yeah?" Wilbur whispered back. "You ok?" YN questioned, "Mhm." Wilbur mumbled as YN could see he was visibly in pain. YN got out of her bed, turned on a small lamp and walked towards her brother. YN hadn't seen him in this much pain since he broke his wrist 4 years ago, except this time the pain looked worse. He broke his wrist while they were playing outside on the trampoline and wilbur tried to do a trick when a ball (that YN was playing with) got thrown onto the trampoline and Wil slipped and broke his right wrist, YN felt like it was all her fault, SHE was the one playing with the ball, not her brother, not her dad, HER. Since that day YN had promised to protect her brother at all costs even though he was older (by 1 min and 32 seconds).

YN sat by Wilbur's side all night while he was trying to hide the pain but every now and then would clench his arm. Finally, Wilbur ended up falling into a peaceful sleep but YN sat awake all night, so if Wil woke, she would be there. Phil woke up around 6 to check on Wilbur and saw YN sitting next to him in case anything was to happen. "YN" Phil whispered "Yeah, whats up" she said sleepily. "Did you sleep at all last night after your brother was hurt?" Phil asked the girl, YN thought for a moment "I don't think i did, no" YN quietly replied, "Wil was in pain and I needed to protect him" YN said, sounding kind of silly. "YN, it's very nice of you to help your brother but you need sleep." Phil said sternly. "Fine" YN replied kinda mad but understood where her father was coming from. YN went to sleep.

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