Wings (3)

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Tw: Verbal abuse

The same night of all the chaos Phil had snuck out and returned moments before YN came into his room, he was worried about Wilbur and went for a fly to think, Phil had 2 wings, they looked like a mix of angel and dove wings and were a very light grey colour, they are about 4 meters long (about 14 feet) but could collapse to be near invisible. Only 3 people knew his secret, Mumza, Techno, and Phil's father, Mumza knew for obvious reasons, Techno knew because he's Phil's favorite child (don't tell the others) and Phil's father knew because he also had wings.

It was 11:23 pm when Phil took flight, he often went on regular flies when he had a lot on his mind. It gave him time to think, he had once told his father and he called him weak and pathetic. Phil didn't have a really good relationship with his father, that's why he tries to be a better father to his kids. Phil had noticed Wilbur acting strange lately but hadn't thought anything of it, but after today he had to know if his son was ok. Techno also had done something like this but it turned out he just had a scratch on his hand, but this wasn't like that, this was different.

Phil decided to fly back considering he'd been out for a good hour or so. As Phil climbed through the window he peered at the clock, "12:06" he whispered to himself. Phil quietly climbed into bed to avoid waking his sleeping wife and once he was comfortable he tried to sleep but heard a scream, he thought it was his imagination, looked at the clock which read 12:09 and he slowly fell asleep, only to be woken shortly after to his daughter saying 4 words he had heard 1 million times and would probably hear 1 million more times in his life...

"Wilbur is in trouble"

The first time someone had said those words to him was 2 days after he had been born, mumza was lying in her hospital bed and Phil was sitting on a chair beside it when Techno bursted into the room crying and screamed "Wilbur is in trouble" over and over again. It turned out Wilbur couldn't breathe, Phil and Mumza were told he would die, Phil still remembers those haunting days, waiting for his son to die. He also remembers exactly what he said to the boy "Wilbur, I will hold you for as long as you have left, I will love you for as long as the universe and all your problems are now mine. Me and your mother will take care of your sister and you will never be forgotten, my precious Wilby, I love you.".

When Phil was told his son was healthy he was over the moon happy and couldn't wait to raise his happy ,healthy little boy and vowed to protect him (and his other siblings of course).

(Writers note, Not story)

Sorry, it's been a while, I've been busy with school and stuff, uploads will be about 1-2 times a month but possibly more, Byeeeee

Sorry, it's been a while, I've been busy with school and stuff, uploads will be about 1-2 times a month but possibly more, Byeeeee

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