Tommy's life... (5)

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Tw: Adoption, self hate, verbal abuse, knife, physical abuse

I was adopted and so was Tommy, I knew I was adopted but Tommy is too young to even say the word adoption let alone know the meaning. I can still remember the day I met Tommy, he was a small kid, like 1 or 2 years old, he was crying in the corner so I went over to him and asked what was wrong. He said words that are stained in my mind forever... "No one W-woves me" Tommy said holding his head and I didn't say much, all I said was "Well thats not true because I love you" and I held him gently in my arms, his face was drenched with tears, he looked so sad, I hated seeing him like that.

He reminded me so much of my little brother, well thats before he... uhm.. Yeah, so small, innocent and fragile, I was never one to like physical touch, I was taught I had to be a strong man. "MEN CAN'T CRY, MEN CAN'T BE WEAK, MEN DON'T NEED HUGS" His words stabbed me like a knife repeatively being incerted and taken out, over and over and over.

I was awoken from my thoughts as Tommy said 4 words, "Are you my brother?" I looked at him, "Do you want me to be?" I questioned, he didn't talk but nodded then put his face into my chest and went to sleep.

Later that day I went over to Molly, one of the only people I trusted in this whole place. "Hey Techno!" She announced, "Uhm hey" I said quietly, she asked me if I was ok and stuff like that. 5 minutes into the conversation I built up the courage to ask about Tommy. She explained to me how he was abused and kicked around by his parents. I was speechless, "HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THAT TO SUCH A SWEET BOY?!?!" I whisper yelled. "Not everyone are great people, I thought you would know that out of everyone." She calmly replied. I deserved it though I thought. "Uhm Molly" I said changing the subject. "Yeah" " I was wondering what it would take to have Tommy as my brother?" "Hmm well y'know Phil, the man you met a few weeks ago and his wife" "Yeah" "Well he said he was looking to adopt more than one kid so I could put Tommy down as a reference"

"Really!!" I replied excitedly "Of course, now its getting quite late so go to bed" "Fine." I said before heading to "bed"

In reality that night I barley slept for an hour, I was up all night reading my favourite book... The Art Of War. I woke at 6:07am and realised that today was the day I would be fostered. I was absolutely terrified even though this would be my 27th house. I didn't want to leave Tommy. He needs me and honestly I think I need him more.

After getting ready I walk into the lobby and see a tall man wearing a green and white striped bucket hat, a long green robe and a small pin with a heart on it. The man I knew as Phil had blondeish grey hair and a smile as warm as the sun. He looks at me kindly and says "You ready to go?" I hesitate before running off "Techno?!?!" I hear running behind me but I don't stop, I run into the childrens area, I scan the room before I find a small strawberry-blonde boy sitting in the corner. I walk over to him swiftly and pull him into a tight hug, not long after I feel weight on my shoulder and see Phil's hand. "I-I'm so-sorry, S-sir" I say fearing of when he will hit me, he smiles at me sympathetically "You can just call me Phil mate, also who's this?" He speaks calmly referring to the small boy in my arms. "This is T-tommy" I say still weary of the man standing over me, "Well hello Tommy" He says with a small wave. "Hey Techno, how about you go grab your's and Tommy's things and meet me in the lobby in 5." He states with joy and excitement in his voice.

Techno begins to run up the old wooden stairs to Tommy's room as Techno had already packed all his things (He didn't have much). Tommy had a small bee plush he said was from his friend Tubbo and a plush cow he called Henry. Once Tommy's things were packed they both proceeded to Techno's room to grab a small backpack containing all his clothes, money, toiletries and other things. He also grabbed a pig plush with a crown on its head and a photo album full of pictures of a happier time in his life. Then Tommy and Techno went down the stairs to talk to Phil. "Si-Phil?" "Yes Techno?" he said happily. "Can you help me get Tommy's things please?" "Of course! Do you need help with your stuff too?" "N-no, this is everything." I stated planely "Oh." was all Phil said, he sounded slightly disappointed.

After all of Tommy's belongings were gathered everyone piled into Philzas car and they began heading home.

After about 5 minutes of driving I felt a weight on my arm and looked over to see Tommy asleep on my arm. Phil looked over to see his youngest son sleeping on his oldest son, he smiled to himself and continued to pay attention to the road.

About 10 minutes later Phil pulled into a driveway and Techno sat there in disbelief. 'Why have we stopped' 'surely this isn't the house' 'This is the biggest house ever!' I was awoken from my thoughts as I heard Phil giggle to himself. "We're here mate!" Phil whisper yelled as Tommy was still sleeping. Techno carefully picked up his backpack and flung it over his shoulder then picked up Tommy and began to walk towards the house.

The first week at this house was... rough. I was scared to move or breathe near these strangers and Tommy was always attached to me which may sound nice but it gets overwhelming, I've never liked physical contact so this week was hard. 


A/n: Hey reader, I'm probably going to be posting more soon. Eat, sleep and stay hydrated also ummm don't do drugs and stay in school!

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