Family Isn't Forever (15)

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Heavy triggers for this chapter, read at your own risk

TW: suicide, death, overdose, guns, drunk driving,

(Also no clue who did the art at the top or any art throughout this book but credits to them)


(Tubbo POV)

I pull my leather book out of a box

"1st of June

Dear diary,

It's been 11 years since I wrote in this last, Techno is supposed to turn 27 today, that would've been if he didn't take his own life.

We all thought he was getting better. He wrote a note saying it's not our fault but that's also what my biological father said before he shot himself.

I am 17 and live in an apartment with Aimsey who is 18.

Y/n lives with their girlfriend and Wilbur lives with Sally. They had a son named Fundy (In honor of Fundy who was killed by a drunk driver at the age of 14).

Today I went to Technos grave and then went to dad's house to meet up with everyone on the roof.

I'm now in my old room looking through the dresser I forgot to clean out.

I miss Techno, He died when he was 25.

I wish I noticed sooner, I know it's my fault, but don't worry big man, I'll see you soon."

I put the old book in my old backpack I also left here and put a few other things in my bag. I look around the almost empty room before going into Techno's room. It is still untouched from the day other than a few cups and plates being taken out for hygiene purposes.

I walk further into the room and sit on the bed. I remember many late nights sitting in here with Techno, I look to the side and see the swords we had a fight with when I was 7. My vision suddenly goes blurry and that's when I realise I've been balling my eyes out.

In the doorway I see a white and green blob moving toward me. "Hey mate, are you ok?" "Mhm..." is all I mange out. Dad pulls me into a tight hug and rubs circles on my back "Let it out, you're safe"

We sit in that position for a few more minutes before we both pull away. Dad pats my shoulder and then begins to walk out but stops at the door. "He left some old stuff in the attic. He left a box labeled 'to Tubs' up there if you want to go look." "Thanks, Dad," I say looking around the room one last time before heading to the door and closing it behind me.

I pull the string that opens the entrance to the attic and then climb up the ladder. It takes a bit of searching but eventually I find the box dad was talking about. I open the box and find a letter inside.

"Hey, Tubbo! I'm writing this on the night I'm planning on taking my life. I know this must be hard for you. I don't know when you'll find this but when you do, I want you to know that this isn't your fault. In this box is my old phone which I left a voice recording on it so you never forget my voice, the book you gave me for our first Christmas together, photos of us and my hair dye. Tubs, I want you to stay strong and don't fall like I did cause it's very hard to get back up. I tried to escape the darkness but I'm simply not strong enough. I love you bud.

To my bee-loving brother."

The last line finally breaks me.

I take a minute to calm myself down before opening Techno's old phone, going into voice recordings and listening to the one labeled to Tubbo first, then just listening to all of them.

I eventually climb down the ladder holding the box in one hand with everything in it and a few other things I had found in other boxes.

I get in my car and drive home after saying goodbye to him. Little did he know this would be the last goodbye.

I wrote a note then swallowed all the pills and put on the voice recording from Techno, after a minute or two it all went black, and the last thing I heard was my brother's comforting voice...

Family isn't forever.


A/n: I told you it was sad, ANYWAYS! Thank you all for the support on this book!!! I have posted the first chapter of my new book, I don't deserve this, an sbi adoption au. It is Tommy and Tubbo centric and I like it so far from what I've written. Anyways, Thanks again for all the support, I like this book (Other than the start) And it's been really fun to write.

Eat, sleep and most importantly I'm proud of you!!!!

-Porks (The Author)

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