I Saw Mummy Kissing Philza Minecraft (13)

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A/n- There's probably like 2 chapters left but after this book, I am writing a new sbi adoption book because I've really enjoyed writing, I just don't like the start of the book. Enjoy!

TW: zoning out


(Kristen POV)

It's 4:30 am on Christmas morning and me and Phil are in the kitchen cooking a big feast for Christmas. Phil is dressed in a Santa costume and I'm wearing a reindeer-themed outfit. We do this every year to surprise the kids.

"Kristen, look up" I look up and see Phil holding mistletoe above our heads, I lean in to kiss him. "STOPPP KISSING MUMMY!!!" I look towards the stairs to see Tubbo and Tommy looking very shocked. "Oh kids, this is daddy, he's wearing a costume. Now go back to your room until we call everyone down" I blow a kiss (Y'know what I mean right?) in their direction and the boys both go into Tubbos room.

(Tubbo POV)

I look at the digital clock on my wall and see it's 4:50am "Do you want to go scare Techno and Wil, they're both in Techno's room. I heard them last night" "Ok!!" Both me and Tommy grab some nerf guns out of my room and slowly and quietly walk towards Technos room. We crawl on the floor and see both the brothers on Technos bed, Perfect. "Three, two, one, GO!" Both me and Tommy begin to shoot the boys with the nerf guns

 "Three, two, one, GO!" Both me and Tommy begin to shoot the boys with the nerf guns

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(This type)

"What the STOPPP I'M AWAKE YOU IDIOTS!!!" "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!" "It's five in the bloody morning." I look at the clock to see it is indeed 5am. "Boys, you can come down when you're ready" Just as mum says that we see Y/n walking down the stairs with an evil grin on their face. With that everyone runs full speed down the stairs.

I am the last one down the stairs, I look in awe at the giant plastic tree. "You coming?" Techno asks still tired from us waking him up. "Oh um yeah. Sorry, I'm not used to this" "It's fine, come on" With that Tehno picks me up and puts me on his shoulders.

"LOOK AT HOW TALL I AM" I scream as we enter the dining room. "WOAH!!!" Dad screams, matching my energy.

Everyone eats and chats a bit, after we all finish eating we all head to the living room and sits on the lounge. I tune out everything else everyone was saying and was staring at the tree. "--bs? Are you ok mate?" "Oh uhhh Yeah! Sorry, this is my first Christmas I can remember." "Well, I was just saying everyone can open their stockings now!"

I get my bee stocking from the fireplace and look inside to see heaps of sweets (candy, lollies, etc), Chocolates, and other cool things! At the bottom, there's an Amazon gift card and a small fidget ring like the one Wilbur has!

(Skip to after almost all the gifts are open)

"WOAH!!! THANK YOU TUBBO!!!" "No problem!!"

I hand Dad a present next, It's a photo album full of photos with me, Tommy, Techno, Y/n and Wilbur in it! "Everyone helped me get the photos," I say after he opened it. "Thanks mate!" He says reaching in for a hug, "Look at the last page!" He turns to the last page and reads the words under the picture "Best dads ever!" It's a picture from the day I met up with my bio dad.

I give Y/N their present next, It's a big box of different things including a few funny t-shirts, a book titled 'How to sex 2' and another book titled 'Do not read' and a $50 amazon gift card! "OMG I'VE BEEN WANTING THIS BOOK," They said turning the book titled 'How to sex 2' around

I pass Techno his gift next which is a greek mythology book that was translated from Greek into English. "Thanks, Tubbo!!!" "No problem emotion-blade!" "Shut up." Everyone starts laughing hysterically.

I pass Tommy a small box that contained two disc plush toys and a plush spider. "Shroud." "What?" "This is Shroud" Tommy presents proudly "Ok bud," I say hugging him.

"Last but not least, Mum!" I hand her a box with a handmade dress

"Last but not least, Mum!" I hand her a box with a handmade dress

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(This one)

"'GASP' I LOVE IT TUBBO!!!" "I made it!!!" "Really?!?!" "Yeah!" Mum wraps me in a giant bear hug and I hug her back.

"Ok, I have one last present for Tubbo!" Wil says as he runs up to his room "CLOSE YOUR EYES TUBBO!" "OK!" I close my eyes as I hear Wil thumping down the stairs. "Anddddd... OPEN!" I open my eyes and see Wilbur holding a bee-themed, wooden ukulele "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!!" "No problem bud! I can teach you how to play once your cast is off!"

For the rest of the day, everyone watches Christmas movies on the tv!

At night me, Techno, Wil, and Y/n all climb onto the snowy roof and watch the stars. "I love you guys" "I love you too tubs," everyone says back.

Wilbur starts singing

[start song here]

How can you miss someone you've never met?

'Cause I need you now, but I don't know you yet

But can you find me soon because I'm in my head?

Yeah, I need you now, but I don't know you yet

'Cause lately it's been hard

They're sellin' me for parts

And I don't wanna be modern art

But I only got half a heart to give to you

How can you miss someone you've never seen?

Oh, tell me, are your eyes brown, blue, or green?

And do you like it with sugar and cream?

Or do you take it straight, oh, just like me?

Yeah, lately it's been hard

They're sellin' me for parts

And I don't wanna be modern art

But I only got half a heart to give to you

And I hope it's enough

How can you miss someone you've never met?

'Cause I need you now, but I don't know you yet

But can you find me soon because I'm in my head?

Yeah, I need you now, but I don't know you yet

I need you now, but I don't know you yet

I need you now, but I don't know you yet

I need you now, but I don't know you yet

I need you now, but I don't know you yet

By the end of the song, everyone had joined in singing.

Eventually, we all go back inside and sit in Techno's room cause it's the biggest and cleanest. We all fall asleep in Techno's bed (Techno on his gaming chair).

(1067 words)

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