The Monster (7)

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A/N- In this chapter play the song when it says [start song here], Thank you. Have a great day/night!!

TW: Blood, Self Harm, Voices, Intrusive Thoughts, A baseball bat, A blade (If I missed any please let me know)


(Tubbo POV)

I wake up to loud yelling and banging downstairs followed by footsteps in the hallway. I peek outside my- I mean- the door to see what was happening. Phil spots me and starts walking towards me. "Go into the kitchen with Techno, I'm sure he's down there" He goes to put his hand on my shoulder and I instinctively put my hands infront of my face, Phil hugs me and leads me down the stairs.

"Dad, I think its Tu- Oh hey Tubbo, can you go with Wil, Y/n and Tommy for me." "O-ok" I walk off into Phils office (Which is next to the kitchen for convenience, I'm lazy with my writing) with the other kids.

(Phil POV)

Once the kids are gone Techno starts to speak, "I think its Tubbo's m-" "LET ME IN, I KNOW YOU HAVE MY SON!!!!!" "--um" I walk towards the door while Techno grabs a baseball bat near the door... for... safety?

I open the door as a woman in her late 30's grabs my collar. "Give him to ME!! I am his MOTHER And need HIM home IMMEDIATELY" "Mam, let go of my father before I paint my bat red" After Techno says that she only tightens her grip around my neck. I lift my foot towards her stomach and kick her with all of my power. I hear sirens coming towards the house and see my wife with a phone in her hand. I mouth 'Thank You' and continue to restrain the drunken woman against the floor.

The police arrive and take her away, "Can I ask you and your family some questions sir?" a woman around the age of 20 asks. "Sure". I invite her into the living room and we sit down on the lounge as Kristen goes to get the kids.

Once everyone is seated the woman begins to speak.

(Techno POV)

"Hello, my name is officer Niki. If it's ok this conversation will be recorded." "Thats ok with me" Phil says somewhat energetically. "Can I please have everyone state their full legal name and age." "I am Phil Mincraft and I am 34 years old" "I am Kristen Minecraft and I am 32 years old" "I am Technoblade Potato Minecraft and I am 16 years old" "Hello I am Wilbur Orca Minecraft and I am 10 years old!" "Hello! I'm Y/N (Insert funny middle name) Minecraft and I am Also 10 years old" "Hebbo I bam Tommy and im 4." I heard Tubbo chuckle at Tommy's introduction which made me smile. "Hello, I am Tobias Bee Underscore, and I'm 6." Tubbo sounded... sad? I'll ask him about it later.

(Time skip to towards the end of the questions cause I'm lazy)

"Ok so I have one more question for you" "Shoot" I say blankly already wanting to be done with this. "Do you think it is at all dangerous having Tubbo who is a bee hybrid-" "Wait what?!?!" Tubbo practically screams. "Didn't you know you're a bee hybrid?" Phil asks "No...?" I lean over to Tubbo and tell him I'll explain later. He nods and tells Niki to contine. "Ok anyways, as I was saying, Do you think its dangerous to have a bee hybrid in the same house as a piglin hybrid such as Techno?" Wilbur looked at me with apologetic eyes. I get up and stomp upstairs to my room. "What the actual fuck" I say to myself in the mirror. I hate the way I look. And with that one thought the voices start to talk

'Look at you'



'You're a wild beast'





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