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 A hard days work (part 1)

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A hard days work (part 1)

Season one, Episode one

Waking up to no alarm felt very nice. Especially when you don't have to work, however that was not the case for Moon Min-Su who was starting her first day at Seattle Grace Hospital.

  Min-Su likes to go by nicknames strictly because a lot of people would make racists or unusually stupid remarks. So Min stumbled out of bed, pulling the sheets up to her chest. She looked around her hotel and picked up her clothes then put them on.

  Min was very flustered by the women in her bed due to the awkward yet fun night they had. She quickly left a note on the bedside of the bed and left out in a hurry. She didn't normally sleep with random women—or men. She didn't do one night stands a lot, but lately they have been quite an outlet.

  Rushing through the halls she had made it in time to the chief noticing her and giving her a curt nod. She was very thankful he didn't scold her in front of her new peers.

  So Min stood in that hallway looking around at everyone. She knew not to talk to anyone unless need be. Don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Don't bother sucking up to anyone. Most of all, don't become a burden in anyway at all.

   "Each of you comes here today hopeful, wanting in in the game. A month ago today you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors," The chief opens up a door into an OR room. Min looks around not failing to notice a girl that came in later than herself.

  "The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you," Min looks around as she did before. She figured it wouldn't hurt to take one more look over everyone else.

  "Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play... that's up to you," Min admired how bold and assertive the chief was. She liked how much of a leader he was and that made her strive to be more independent.


  Min had gotten herself situated in a corner of the intern locker room. She had her scrubs and made sure she had everything she needed. "Hi," Min was spooked, but turned anyways. There stood a boy with shaggy brown hair and an adorable smile. Min nodded, "Is uh, is this locker taken," he asked. Min shook her head and his smile only grew.

   "I'm George by the way, George O'Malley." Min just stared at his hands and looked back up at him. He nodded awkwardly the turned back to his locker. A couple seconds later and names were starting to be called.

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