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This chapter will include depictions and explanations of rape

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This chapter will include depictions and explanations of rape. If you are uncomfortable with that I will let you know when they come up or you can skip this chapter entirely. It is up to you.

First cut is the deepest

Season one, Episode two

Min-Su arrived to work an hour using a bike she stole when she was in 10th grade at the age of 12. She was a genius, but she was humble. So she parked her bike and hooked it to a pole for bikes using a chain with a lock. "Minnie," Min froze at the nickname and turned to see George waving. She nodded and waved before rushing into to work.

Min's living conditions were not the greatest. She lived in hotels because she did not want to pay for an apartment she won't even been in most of the week. So, when she saw Meredith's poster for a roommate she wanted in of course, but that would mean opening up to Meredith and she wasn't sure she was ready for that yet.

" Why do you put up posters for roommates if you don't want roommates," Izzie questioned Meredith, "I do want roommates. We are together 100 hours a week. You wanna live together, too," Meredith question in annoyance.

"What's with the coffee," Min questioned with a lollipop in her mouth. "What with the lollipop," Meredith fired back. Min shrugged and Christina spoke to Min "It's a bribe," Meredith defends herself "It is not a bribe."

George walks up to Meredith holding a tray of one coffee, " My mom irons my scrubs. I have to get out of there. I-I can put down last, first, and deposit," George pleads his case to live with Meredith. Christina walks up to the rest of the interns "It's totally a bribe."

Now it was Izzie's turn, "I can cook, and I'm an obsessive cleaner," Meredith shook her head profusely "No! I just want two total strangers Who I don't have to talk to or be nice to, and it's not a bribe. It's a mocha latte," That being said Meredith walks forward to the nurses station with Dr. Bailey at it.

"George, you're running code team. Meredith, take the trauma pager. Christina, deliver the weekend labs to the patients. Izzie, you're on sutures. Min-Su, Dr. Shepherd has you for today," Bailey lists of the interns jobs before walking up the stairs. Dr. Shepherd? What the hell does he want with Min-Su? Min thought to herself.

"Dr. Bailey, I was hoping to assist you in the OR today. Maybe do a minor procedure. I think I'm ready. Mocha Latte," Meredith could call it whatever she wanted, but it was obviously a bribe. The rest of the interns ran up behind Meredith, "If she gets to cut, then I want to, too."

"Yeah, me too."

"I wouldn't mind another shot. I mean if everyone else is."

"Stop talking. Every intern wants to perform their first surgery. That's not your job. Do you know what your job is? To make your resident happy. Do I look happy? No. You know what will make me look happy? Having the code team staffed, having the trauma pages answered, having the weekend labs delivered, having someone down in the pit doing sutures, and having someone in Dr. Shepherd's assistance," Bailey exclaimed at her interns with a stern voice.

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