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 Make me lose control/Deny, Deny, Deny

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Make me lose control/Deny, Deny, Deny

Season two, episodes three and four

    Min-Su had been working on scut the entire day, and when Izzie came up to her to ask about Meredith she gladly said Meredith and begged Izzie to take over for her. Min really needed a surgery that day.

   That morning Min had practically forced Christina along with Meredith to go jogging which ended up with everyone calling each other names like pregnant whore, slut, skank, dirty mistress, etc.

  After that fiasco, one of the patients that was admitted was the Ellis Grey, or Meredith's mother. Meredith had ran to the locker room and while everyone else got an assignment Min had to look after Meredith on scut duty.

   The thing is, is that Meredith had gotten on a case with her attending boyfriend. Min couldn't say that she blamed Meredith because Min would do the exact same thing if she was sleeping or in a relationship with an attending.

   "Hey," Min turned her head to see Alex coming down the stairs next to Min. Min greeted him back, "hey."

   "Hey, wait, wait, wait," Alex told her which made her stop mid stair. "You have an eyelash," he told her softly before reaching and taking it off of her cheek. Min was blushing and trying not to smile.

  "Make a wish, blow it away... Hey, nurse ratchet, there's a dead guy stinking up room 4125. Do something before he rots," Min rolled her eyes at Alex's words and rushed down the stairs. She hated when he did that.

  "See, that's what Izzie is always saying," Min points out to him. "What," he asked like he was innocent in his actions. "Why are you so afraid of showing people that you're a decent human being?" Min put her hands on her hips and tilted her head at him.

   "Remember when he told the whole floor about your sex life and that you were a dirty, stupid whore?" Min heard George behind her. She scrunched her face up and shook her head "Yeah, I do." Min walked off.


  Min was tired of doing scut so she walked over to the gallery where she knew Bailey was at. The gallery that was where Christina was at. Min sat right next to Bailey and sighed.

  "You have a problem," Bailey asked.

  "No," Min responded looking down in the OR.

  "You have a Mocha Latte," Bailey asked once more which made Min look at the woman "Yes," Min pulled out the latte that she picked up in the way to the gallery. "What do you want," Bailey questioned in suspicion.

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