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 No man's land

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No man's land

Season one, episode four

Min-Su had awoken by Izzie knocking on her door shamefully. "Min-Su.... Do you have any tampons left," she asked through the door. Min groaned and got out of bed. She hated these weeks. Shark Week, They say. After her periods Min liked to go to a clinical check up to see if she was alright. Force of habit.

Min did have some tampons left, but she wasn't to keen on sharing her feminine hygiene products. So, she walked over to her desk and pulled open the pack of tampons. She groaned when she realized she had two left. That wouldn't be enough to last one shift.

"No Izzie, I don't," It wasn't a lie. Technically she didn't have anymore for anyone else. So she walked out of her room to use the bathroom. She had on shorts and a white undershirt, but she didn't have a bra on. George yelped when he saw Min walk in. "Relax, I am just changing my tampon," George groaned at this. He didn't want to take a peak at Min in the same room as him while he was naked.

Now, George had a pretty good crush on Min. He, like Alex, had thought about her most of the time they were on shifts. Alex thought about Min and how good she was, and George fantasized about a relationship with her. She was oblivious to their feeling of course.

The car ride there consisted of George complaining about how he was a man and shouldn't be seeing girls walking around in their underwear. Which really didn't make any sense, and that is why Min didn't say anything.

"You don't understand. Me gonads, you ovaries," George states which makes Izzie gasp "Oh, that reminds me. We are out of tampons." She grins at him, only making him more frustrated. "You're parading through the bathroom in your underwear When I'm naked in the shower," Izzie sighs and turns her head to face him "can you add it to your list, please?" She says as he stares at her like she just took a shit in his eggs.

"What?" He shouted making Izzie shout louder "Tampons!" Meredith and Min make eye contact before Meredith speaks " It's to the list. It's your turn," The four walk up to the hospital for the morning shift. "I am a man! I don't buy girl products! I don't want you walking in while I'm in the shower, And I don't want to see you in your underwear," George shouted and spoke to Izzie making Min groan. Rise above.

"It doesn't bother me, okay? Look at me in your underwear, George. Take your time. It's no big deal," Izzie says while the group enters the hospital. "I hate it when men act like that," Min muttered as they entered the elevator. Meredith smirked at Min.

"You are the first person they see in the morning. You say please. You say thank you. You apologize for waking them up. You make them feel good about you. Why is it important? 'Cause then I'll talk to you and tell you what's wrong. Why is that important? Because then you can tell you were attending what they need to know during rounds," Bailey walked around when speaking as to make sure everyone hears her. She has a good voice. It carries, and it's stern.

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