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 A hard days work (part two)

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A hard days work (part two)

Season one, Episode one

The sun was beginning to rise at a beautiful pace. It looked very lovely. Dr. Shepherd had begun to approach Min, "I need you to come with me," without waiting for an answer he made his way down to the waiting area with Min hot on his trail. She didn't question, she just had to use her brain and in this case she knew they were going to talk to the parents.

"You were saying it was a seizure disorder. Now you're saying it isn't," Mr. Bryce question the neurosurgeon "I'm saying that I don't know," Shepherd replied. "What do you think it could be," Mrs. Bryce asked worriedly with tears in her eyes. Dr. Shepherd looks at Min.

"We still aren't sure at this moment, but we will let you know as soon as we do," this caused Mr. Bryce to scoff at the intern, "when will you know," he raised his voice at her. "Don't yell at her. Katie is stable, and—" Mr. Bryce refused to let Shepherd speak "Now, wait a damn minute. We came here because this hospital Is supposed to be the best in Washington. That's my kid in there— my kid. And you have the audacity to stand here and tell me "I don't know," Min understood where he was coming from, she just wasn't sure the man had patience. *Men. White men.*

"I want different doctors-doctors that actually know what they're doing. Someone better than you two," Mr. Bryce spat at the two doctors. Min made sure her face was neutral enough to show no emotion. "Mr. Bryce I can assure you that I am working hard on Katie's case," Shepherd stated, but Mr. Bryce clapped back by turning around.

"No you're not. If you were, You'd be able to give me some answers.," with that he walks off with his wife to sit back down. Shepherd sighed and ran his hand down his face, "I apologize. I should have expected that reaction." Min shook her head "It's alright Dr. Shepherd, no should expect one or no reaction to their families medical condition. Expect the unexpected," Shepherd raised a brow at her answer.

"Please, call me Derek. Doctor just makes me feel like an old man," He smile gently at her while she nods in return. "Won't it seem rude or unprofessional in our environment," she questioned and he held his arm behind her back as they walked from the waiting area. He laughed and shook his head "Are you kidding me? Lighten up Dr. Moon," he smiled and looked up ahead of them.


Min walks in with a room full of interns. She gives a curt nod then sits in a chair next to Christina. Meredith and Christina were sitting on a table while Christina was suturing a Banana. "What are you doing," Meredith questions and Christina responds without looking up, "I am suturing a banana in vain hope that it wakes up my brain," George cackles at this making Christina look up "What are you smiling at 007?"

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