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 Shake your groove thing

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Shake your groove thing

Season one, episode five

Min-Su woke up feeling good about that day. She was done with her period, and she was done with the bullshit. She had gone to the clinic to get a check up, and her doctors told her that everything was fine which gave her very much relief.

  She felt a wave of calmness wash over her. It was probably because the house was silent. That never really happened. Min got out of bed and took her 15 minute shower before getting dressed nicely.

When she arrived to the hospital, it was also pretty calm. Min nodded to herself, and the trip to the locker rooms were nice and decent. After Min got dressed she asked a nurse where Meredith had gone. The nurse told her she was in open heart surgery, so now Min knew the location of all her roommates and friends.

She wandered into the gallery with a coffee Tyler had made her. He was sweet about it, and usually liked bringing her coffee. It was like some kind of determination to get her to smile. "Did I miss anything," she asked sitting beside Christina.

"I wish I could hold a heart," George said staring down at the heart from the gallery. "A monkey could hold a heart," Christina spat. Min looked down at the heart from above. She kinda wished she wanted to do cardio surgery. Kind of, because her heart belongs with Neuro, but the heart is such an interesting organ.

"You're mad Burke didn't ask you," George turned to Christina and turned back when Izzie came in. "George, I need more ice and chips," she sat down next to him. "Who else did you invite?" He asked and Christina leaned forward "Izzie, we said the list was jocks only—surgery, trauma, plastics. Who else," Christina asked making Min lean forward as well "why are we inviting plastics? And where are we inviting them?"

Min had a history with one of the Plastics nurses. He seemed cool at first and then he turned out to be just another asshole. She thought that if she stayed with him then he would change for her, but he only became more toxic. She didn't want to leave him because she really tried with him. She stayed with him even when he got violent and would yell at her every time he got back from a shift.

He told her, when they first met, that he was a nurse, and she told him that she was a med student. He was a part of the reasons why she wanted to pursue plastics, but then he involved her family and she had to break it off. It was hard, but she managed. So, when Min came to this hospital and checked the nurses for plastics, there his name stood broad and tall.

Joseph Pazz

"Izzie is throwing this get together for her boyfriend. So we can get to know him," George told Min who raised an eyebrow "Your throwing a party?" Min questioned at Izzie who gave a guilty look. "I invited some people from Peds," Izzie replied to Christina's earlier question.

"You invited the preschoolers to Meredith's house," Christina internally groaned at Izzie. Min wasn't going. A party. 60-70 people. Not happening. Last time Min went to a party around that size she had a panic attack that was very hard to come back from.

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