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     Let. It. Be.

Season two episodes eight, nine, & ten

  Moon Min-Su.

It was her. Oh you should have seen it. Alex waltzed into Joes gave Min a look grabbed her and leaned her down to kiss her passionately. It was so beautiful. It was magical. Min was stunned of course so she said nothing.

  It wasn't until the two were alone did she break out a nice smile. So, naturally the two went home to consummate their lovely evening. Min had fallen asleep only minutes after the two were done. No matter how much she liked him, he still wasn't able to satisfy her the way she wanted, but that was okay to her. As long as she was happy.

  And she was happy. The next day the two ran into each other and they started walking with each other. "You kissed me," Min stated, "and we had sex." Alex smirked "Yes, I did and we did."

  "Shouldn't we uh—don't you think a discussion should be made," Min suggested not looking at him. Yes, while the sex wasn't good she was still willing to make it worth it, she's made it work before with men that had the exact same problem as Alex when it came to Min. Satisfaction.

  "Minnie, I kissed you with tongue, we had sex—great sex, and I plan to do it again and again. Get used to it. End of discussion," Alex grinned at Min as she managed to break a tiny grin.

"Hello Kitty," Min smirked at Meredith who rolled her eyes. "I don't wanna hear it," she whined. The two interns were assigned the same case after rounds.

  "Esme wanted to wait until tomorrow to see her doctor, but she hasn't been able to keep anything down since yesterday, so I brought her in," Mr. Sorrento explained to Meredith while Min checked Mrs. Sorrento's vitals.

  "Mrs. Sorrento you have Acute Cholecystitis which means that that your gallbladder may have to come out," Min explained to the patient. "She has gallstones," Mr. Sorrento asked.

  "He watches cable. He thinks he's a doctor," Mrs. Sorrento smiles and tells the two interns. "We're giving you antibiotics and IV fluids to cool the gallbladder down. And then we're gonna go call Dr. Bailey, and I'm going to see if surgery is the best way for us to go," Meredith explained to the couple.

  "Do you have any questions for us," Min asked.

"Honey, what happened to your forehead," Mrs. Sorrento turned to Meredith and asked. Meredith replied with a simple shrug and a 'nothing' for an answer.  Min gave her a printed look before the two walked out of the patients room.

  "So what is Hello Kitty doing on your forehead," Min asked while the two went to get tubes for Mrs. Sorrento. "I have a zit the size of a pepperoni," Meredith frowned and Min nodded, "I see."

The two then made their way back to the Sorrento's room.  They both agreed for Meredith to take the blood. It's not that Min didn't want to, it's just that she wanted Meredith to feel better and not more dark and twisty than she already is.

  "What's that other animal that's monogamous," Esme asked her husband who was to the left side of her bed.

  "I think it's Voles," he leans in to tell her. Min admired their relationship. She'd often wish she would be able to have that one day with Alex, or just someone who makes her happy.

  "Oh, I know it's hard. I'm a pincushion," the older woman tells Meredith who seemed to be struggling. "Would you like me to step in," Min offers quietly and politely. Meredith sighed and let Min go at Mrs. Sorrento.

After feeling around for her vein Min managed to stick the needle in "Otters mate for life, you know," Mrs Sorrento told the brown haired girl. Min looked up "I'm sorry?"

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