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Episodes 12 & 13

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Episodes 12 & 13

  Min-Su sat in bed for what felt like years. It felt like it was Christmas morning because when walked downstairs to get coffee she was met with the twinkling lights of the tree. She stared at it for a few moments and went back upstairs. She didn't have time for Izzies love for Christmas.

  By the time she made it to work a bit earlier than everyone else just because she couldn't even look at Alex or Izzy.  A day after Holden was discharged Min went around the hospital to find Alex to wich she found Izzy, naked, on top of Alex, naked, in an on call room. It sucked, really.

  When all of the interns piled in the change into their scrubs Min was already dressed and ready to go so she just sat their and listened to Christina and Meredith talk about their attending boyfriends-not-so-boyfriends. She wondered what it would be like to date an attending, maybe they wouldn't cheat so much. Min didn't know nor did she care to know.

  "Tim Epstein, 38, fell off the roof of his house," Meredith presented to a room full of children and doctors or interns. "I was stringing Hannumas lights and a shingle came loose," Mr. Epstein explained.

  "Hannumas," Min questioned.

  "Hannumas, Chrismukkah. We go all out," He told Min with a little grin on his face. "Awesome," Izzie smiled at the man. "He fell 12 feet," his wife told everyone. "The good news is, my head broke my fall," Mr. Epstein tried to joke to which Min just stared at the kids playing with toys on his bed. She felt uncomfortable in that space. The loudness, the squealing, the innocence...

  "Uh, there are no visible deformities, but he's definitely having some focal left arm weakness," Min spoke up in a monotone voice. She really wanted this case because she knew it would be a brainy surgery. She had a feeling anyways. She had been pretty invested as of late.

  "He'll probably be fine. He's always been a little hardheaded," his wife joked to which Mr. Epstein laughed but then quinces right after.

   "Does your head hurt when you laugh," Derek questioned

   "Is that a bad thing?"

   On any other occasion Min would say suck it up but this is a hospital. Everyone gets headaches here. Min watched closely as Derek did his Neuro examination. Bailey suggested that the kids leave to eat in the cafeteria however mr. Epstein insisted they stayed.

   A little girl wandered in front of Min and she looked down at the big eyed tiny human. Min hissed at the little girl and she went running to her mom. Min looked up to see if the parents saw but they were to busy talking to Bailey. She locked eyes with Derek who saw the whole interaction and he just chuckled and shook his head.

   Min sorta hated the holidays and this would be her first Christmas in the hospital and she had no intentions of leaving, even planning to work more hours than she needed to. You know, for rainy days. After rounds she was assigned to work in the pit with Alex and Meredith and after Burke came with an amazing surgery offer to which Cristina was assigned to.

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