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  If tomorrow never comes

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If tomorrow never comes

Season one, episode six

Min-Su had been late. She was late. Min and Alex had been sleeping together for the past week, and Min didn't want to face him during work. She couldn't, but when she did he was sweet to her. It made her feel better.

Min rushed to the locker room from the on-call room she had slept in with Alex. He had been there since last night, and when Min got there she didn't even bother going to the locker room. She just went straight to the on-call room with Alex.

"You're late," Min called out as she heard the door open while she had her shirt off. She hard brought a spare turtleneck because her neck was still healing from Mr. Frost. Meredith walked to her locker and started changing into her scrubs. "I know, I know, but so are you."

The two heard the door open abruptly "You're late," both Meredith and Min shouted. "So are you two," Christina sassed back. "We know. I can't afford to piss Bailey off any more. Do you think she told anyone," Meredith asked while putting her shoes on.

"About you and McDreamy? No," Christina said as she also started undressing quicker than Meredith and Min. "He's her boss, too," Min shrugged pulling her coat on. "If they find out, what can they—can they kick me out, or..." Meredith asked as if her job was in the line.

"No. Not actually... you'll just edged out, blacklisted, banned from his surgeries, passed over for chief resident," Christina sighs pulling her scrub top over her. "It'll probably be humiliating, but you'll live. I'm so glad I'm not screwing any attendings. I would be in so much trouble," Min chuckled to herself making the two other girls glance at her.

" I have to end it. I definitely have to end it. I have to end it, right," Meredith questioned out loud. "Meredith, shut up," Christina deadpanned as all three girls walked out of the locker room. "What?"

" Did you seriously just tell me to shut up?" Meredith attempted to question Christina, "Oh please, you got a hot doctor who likes to make you open up and say 'ahh.'" Min spoke up making Christina giggle. "It's the American dream. Stop whining about it," Christina said.

"No. No good can come from sleeping with your boss," Meredith told the two girls walking together. "Christina, Min-Su, you two are late," Bailey spat as she walked in front of them. The rest of Baileys interns walk after their resident. Min made eye contact with Alex and immediately looked away as he smiled at her. "So is Meredith."

"When We walk in this room, he will maintain decorum. You will not laugh, vomit, or drop your jaw. Are we understood," Bailey questioned her interns opening the door. Min saw Alex rubbing his hands together as he glanced at Min.

"Why would we laugh," Min asked Alex who just smirked "Oh, just you wait babe," Min scrunched her face up at Alex and elbowed him. Whatever he had to laugh about was probably stupid.

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