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Part 1: Origins - Chapter 1

Part 2: Hope - Chapter 21

Part 3: Secrets - Chapter 36

Part 4: Division - Chapter 50

Part 5: Faith - Chapter 61.1


Hello, readers.

Since S2 there's been a huge influx of new readers so I thought I'd also include a short introduction to this story. This novel is about the cycle taking place following Arisu's cycle. If you came in expecting Chishiya (as I can tell from the sheer number of people adding this to their Chishiya reading lists lol) then I'm sorry, but this story may not be what you're looking for.

This is a new cycle, but there will be countless references to the characters and events in the previous cycle. I'm excited to see if you can catch them!

The first two games, the Six of Clubs and Four of Spades, I personally don't really like that much. They are the first games I've ever written, so not only are they just not that interesting, but the writing quality itself was pretty lacking. Please be patient while you get through those short chapters, because I promise that the games will pick up from there on our :).

Chapter lengths vary. Most of the chapters in Part 1 average 2,000-3,000 words. In Part 2, this creeped up to 3,500. In Part 3 and onwards, chapters average about 4,000-4,500. Most chapters will have 1-2 POVS, and rarely, some chapters may contain potentially triggering content. I have put warnings for all chapters that may be triggering.

By the way, if you've added my story to your reading list, just know that I see you! I've been trying to go around thanking everyone, but keep hitting the limit for unsolicited messages. Furthermore, I have huge issues sending messages on conversion boards since half the time Wattpad won't let me send my message, and I have to repeatedly edit my message until it lets me send. Super weird, and I still need to get around messaging Wattpad for help about it.

I deeply appreciate any form of engagement and interaction, so feel free to leave comments and votes! I really enjoy discussing AiB with others, as the series has quite literally changed my life.

Anyways, thank you for checking my story out, and I hope you enjoy it!

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