45) Ten of Clubs [5] ✮

226 5 28

Time left: 30 min.
Players left: 45/82
Water level: Floor 6

===Zakū Raisunei===

"Down this way!" I pointed between breaths. We were on floor seven, searching every last room for survivors.

Maeda trailed behind me, her brown hair tied back into a ponytail. "How many more rooms are there on this floor?"

"About a dozen." I answered, jamming Kazetani's master key into the next room. It was empty. In the next room across, two bloodied bodies laid on the bed. Bullet holes were torn through her head, and next to her, was a man with a stab wound across his neck.

"I recognize that woman." Maeda said. "Isn't she Hashira? Gabura's friend?"

I backed away, shaking my head. "Let's... Get out of here."

"Are you okay? You seem pale."

"I've seen about a dozen mangled corpses in the span of an hour." I said, as we ran past another body, kicking down the next door.

"You've never... Seemed like the type of person to be dazed by this carnage."

"I suppose seeing the sheer unfiltered bloodshed is just bringing back some unpleasant memories. That's all."

I opened another door, and inside was a bearded man in a swimsuit. He gasped, raising his arms and dropping to the floor. "D-Don't! Please!"

"We're here to help you!" Maeda reassured him. "You know the top floor?"

He nodded, getting back up on shaky feet.

"Go to Chihaya's room and knock in an SOS pattern, they're taking in all survivors! We can't assist you on the way there, so good luck!"

He smiled, giving his head a slight bow. "Thank you! Th-Thank you!" He ran out the room, his runs making light splashes.

We left the room, running down the hall, when two people turned down the other corner–Benkei and Tori.

Tori doubled over, supporting themselves against the wall, panting. Benkei met our eyes and laughed. "You guys are safe!"

"Meet in Ryota's office!" I ordered. "We're gathering everyone–all our friends in our inner circle, Beach leaders, and Maindo leaders."

"What? Why are you guys out here?" Benkei asked.

"Gabura and Aoyama have discovered a potential lead, and we need everyone together to dissect it." Maeda explained. "Everyone is trying to gather everyone else–Gabura and Aoyama on floor six with Chihaya and Kazetani on floor eight–there's no time to explain, we're low on time!"

"Come on!" Tori exclaimed, taking Benkei's hand. "You're underestimating these two, let's go!"

They ran out the hall, as we continued down the corridor. Down the hallway, a wave of gunfire rang out. Me and Maeda halted, herself nearly crashing into me. Natsuki ran into our corridor from a right branching hallway, and turned right, running away from us.

Maeda turned around. "Come on, let's run!" I followed her lead, as two of the shooters emerged, one of them Senri.

"Look! It's Zakū!" The shooter exclaimed.

Senri gasped. "Get him! We need him dead!"

We turned down the hall as a round of gunfire hit the wall behind us, my lungs burning with fire.

"We left no survivors down the hall!" Senri's manic yell rang. "Don't think you can escape!"

"The hell do they want to kill you in particular?" Maeda asked between breaths.

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