74) King of Hearts [5]

309 5 48

"I just hope that in the end, people do not take this journal as a lie. I hope they do not perceive this journal as my attempt at deception."

Players left: 110/116
Round: 4

Added rules:
1. Volunteers allowed for trials
2. Game Clear if Rafferty's name is drawn

===Gabura Sachi===

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I ducked behind the gym building, stretching.

"Gabura?" A voice asked from within the trees. It was Harokai. "You're not running the track?"

"Since I was the top runner last week, coach excused me." I said, joining her beneath the windowsill, in the grass. Trees and shrubs secluded the areas from the footpaths, giving us a place of privacy.

"Why are you here, though?"

"I don't feel like running." She giggled. I laughed, my cheeks warm.

"And plus, I'd rather review my sheet music for the concert tonight." She pulled a piece of paper from her skirt pocket, which had been folded into a small square.

"Oh wow..." I said, as she unfolded it. "This doesn't look easy. I've always liked people who could play instruments, though. It seems like a hard skill."

"Just takes practice." Harokai said, pointing at the notes. "I'm sure with enough practice, if you set your mind to it, you could learn too."

She looked up, meeting my eyes. Our faces were a few centimeters apart. "You know... Green eyes are very rare. Especially for anyone not in the West. But yours look so pretty."

"I... Thank you! Um..." I toyed with my hair, dodging eye contact for a moment. "Do... Can I kiss you?"

She squinted her eyes for a second, and my heart dropped, before she laughed. "Actually? Sure!"

I smiled, and before I could react, she placed her hands on my neck, pulling me in.

Our lips met. Her breath smelled of flowers, and her lips tasted like strawberry chapstick. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment, before we were interrupted by the distant whistle of our coaches.

I pulled away, and we both broke into laughter, gentle and soft.

"We should probably get going." She said, getting up. "If my coach finds out I skipped again, I'll be forced to clean out the entire gym closet. And you don't want to tarnish your coach's perception of you."

"Bye Harokai." I said, my eyes glistening.

"See you later." She said, turning around and running through the trees. I stood there, stars in my heart, watching her figure disappear.

That night, I watched her perform. I was certain that I was the loudest cheerer in the entire crowd. Everyday next week, we would pass each other once in the halls power day, and we would wave to each other, occasionally exchanging a brief conversation.

I looked beneath the windowsill every day that we had PE, but she was never there. I convinced myself she stopped sneaking away.

Then, the Monday after that week, I saw her in the halls, holding hands with the most popular boy in our grade. She looked at him, and laughed with him, the same way she did with me in our spot, a little over a week ago.

She didn't acknowledge me, as if I was a mere phantom.

I turned back after they passed, nearly crashing into the boy, my heart twisting into a carcass.

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