villains babies part 2

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☆♡Word count: 3730♡☆

Ivy pepper more commonly known as Poison Ivy waited impatiently for her boyfriend, Harvey dent aka Two Face, to lock up their house.

Their tow twin children, Tomas and Iris were in their car seats, waiting for their parents to get into the car.

"Hurry up!" Ivy yelled as Harvey slowly walk down the garden "why thares no hurry" Ivy gasped

"no hurry!?! no hurry! My best friend has had a child, Harvey, of course thare is a reason to hurry. Now get in that car before I complete your face"

Ivy threatened pointing at the drivers side of the car, Two Face raised his hand to softly touch the undamaged part of his face. "You wouldn't"

he replied "oh but I would... if you do not get in now. Trust me I will throw acid into your face, watch it burn then i'll make you sit on Gmypie Gmypie"

Ivy went to turn around but stoped when she felt Harveys hand on her forearm "whats Gmypie Gmypie?" He questioned

"what Gmypie Gmypie he asks. Oh ill tell you." She puts her hand around his neck and bring his head down to wisper into his ear

"thare is a stinging plant called 'Gmypie Gmypie' that produces a toxin so painful its driven humans and animals to suicide. Its pain is described as being sprayed with hot acid whilst being electrocuted at the same time. A man was reported to have shot himself after using its leaf as toilet paper"

(True fact. That poor man though. Bless him. I hope he's flying high with the angels up in heaven)

Once poison Ivy was done speaking she moved her lips to his half burnt ones. "You love me too much to do that, miss Pepper"

he says inbetween kisses. "That I do, now come on." Ivy grabed hold of the passenger door handle and opened it and sat inside. Two Face followed suit and sat in the drives seat.

"Mommy can I have my drink please" Tomas requested his mother, Ivy lent down to her handbag she put in earlier that day, that sat by her feet.

She rummaged through it and pulled out two plastic bottles of apple juice. She reached out to give one to her son and put the other one in the cup holder that sat inbetween the twins, as her daughter was peacefully sleeping in her car seat.

"Don't drink it all at once" Two Face informed Tomas. " I promise " the little boy told his parents as the car started to stroll forward.

"Why did we have to take the car" Ivy whined. "Because it is the middle of November , Ivy. Its too cold to walk all that way with the kids" argude Harvey.

"Well its better for the invirment" Ivy muttered underneath her breath.

time skip♡

Once they got to the household of the clowns. Ivy hurried out of the car, she opened up the car door for her little boy, who took her hand immediately.

Two Face opened up his side of the car door and shut it again, noticing his daughter still fast a kip, he picked her up in his arm and carried her.

Ivy made it to the door and knocked. No one answered, she tryed a second time. Again no answer ,the third time however she kicked it hard with her. foot.

The door quickly shot open, Recko and Jonny were standing thare with their pistols up and ready to shoot. However once they saw the the red headed woman and the red headed boy they quickly put them back in the gun Holster that was straped to their shoulders.

"Sorry miss Ivy." Recko apologised. The same with Frost. The henchmen steped aside to let the family of 4 step into the nice warm mansion.

"Whare is she. Whare are they?" Ivy asked impatiently. "Their up stairs miss" answered Frost who was shuting the door tight.

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