villains babies part 3

100 3 2

☆♡Wordcount: 1562.♡☆


As me and my boyfriend walk down poorest side of gotham, the narrows. It wasn't windy but it was cold as we walk. The narrows had bonded me and Ozzy years ago.

Oswald hadn't been out of arkham that long, just over ten days ago. I had broken him out of that dreadfully place.

The sound of his walking stick hiting the stone floor as we walked "Eddie?" Ozzy stoped and turned toward me and reached out to hold my glovesd hand as he spoke "do you remember, when we walked down this way all them years ago"

I nodded and answered with a riddle

"I turn once, what is out will not get in, I turn again, what is in will not get out. What am i?"

I smile as I knew, he knows the answer. "A key" he spoke softly as he looked down at our gloves hands intertwined.

"You've got the key to my heart Oswald. you always have and you always will. If you think I could forget that memory of us, 15 years years ago, you're wrong."

"Thank you"

we didn't speak as we continued to walk, turning corners as they came. The smells of fumes coming from the old factorys that they have turned into drug factors, filled our lungs as we walk past them.

People like Bruce Wayne who only care about themselves and how shiney, Thair sports cars are, don't give a shit about these people. People who can't get up and walk on their own, fall under the carpet in gotham.

We heard pain filled crys from the buildings people were using as shelter from the harsh gotham rain. We stoped as we heard a babies cry coming from the alleyway in front of us. We looked at each other before agreeing to have a look. We walked well.

I walked a bit in front of Oswald because I was worried about the baby's health. As we arrived into the alleyway we split up. Searching behind bins and rubbish bags filled with God know what In them. "Hello?" We called out but no one replied.

We carried on down the aley checking everywhere that some one could hide behind. "Eddie?" I heard Oswald say behind me. I walk towards him as he stared down at something that I couldn't see but as I moved closer, I could see.

Thare was a young woman laying on the ground nothing covering her bottom half, blood all around the top of her legs. She was dead but next to her a baby.

A baby girl who was screaming. laying on a dirty news paper. I crouched down to get the baby as Oswald was calling butch our top man.

I scooped the little baby up in my arms, putting it under my coat to try and warm it up. With the other hand I got the news papper and put it on the woman's legs, just to give her some pricey.

I looked up at the woman and she had a neckless around her neck that read 'lily' in fancy writeing.

"Lily?" I whisper. Looking down at the baby in my arms "Hush baby hush" I heard Ozzy get off the phone and slowly limped towards me and the baby. "Butch's on his way" I nod before asking

"What do we do about lily?" I rocked the baby back and forth in my arms " lily? " he asked before continuing "I guess we take her with us and give her a proper berriel. What about the baby?"

I shrugged as I looked down at the baby who had fallen asleep. "Maybe we could keep her?" I stud up slowly as not to wake the baby girl up.

"We could Eddie. Has she got a name?" Shaking my head to say 'no' to him as I hear 2 cars pull up at the end of the aleyway.

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