Bud And Lou

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The clown couple sat on the expensive sofa in the apartment, above the halrlquin diamond. Drinks on the glossy side table. A blanket around them.

The flat screen television was playing a old horror film, in black and white. They sat thare as rain poored down onto thair city. The telly reflecting the gray out side.

The joker had his Harley quinn on his lap, while she had her arms around her jokers neck. Bud and lou were playing tug of war with a batman toy.

"that's it boys. bite him, kill him" the joker laughed watching the tow Hyena's yelp and laugh. "aww puddin look at the babies ."

Harley smiled, J did the same thing back. "can we have them on the bed tonight!?" she asked before taking a swig of the wine which was in the glass. "no"

the joker stated, not looking her way. "oh Okey then" Harley had sadness in her voice.

"oh please puddin they've been good, thare ripping up battsy, they protected me last week, when that guy tried to shoot me, if the babies weren't thare that guy would have shot at me, just think about that. I could've gotten hurt. They have been brilliant lately and they don't even get a present. I bet you boys would love to sleep in mommy and daddy's bed. Wouldn't you lou, wouldn't you bud."

she did her baby voice at the end, as they trotted up to her and started to rub them selves up against the sofa "please please please puddin" harley did what, she knew he couldn't resist, she did her puppy eyes and batterd her eyes at him.

"hmm I suppose so, Harley just this once" she smiled from ear to ear, jumping up and down on his lap. "thank you, Thank you, thank you!!" she squeeled kissing his cheek.

Normally the hyenas slept on the floor in the master bedroom, the boys had thair bed by Harleys side of the bed, Harley loved having her boys on the bed but the joker hated having the boys on the bed, because they always got in the way.

"it's OK, it's OK, harls" the joker laughed as she kept on kissing him. "I love you so much puddin" she smiled at J. The joker smirked, he Had an idia.

As quick as a butterfly flapping it's wings, Harley was on her back, the joker pulled up her black t-shirt up to show her belly, he blew raspberries. She rolled around shouting while giggling.

"stop it, hahaha" she kicked him but that didn't stop him so he continued. The hyenas growled at thair male owner.

"look I know you're protectve of your mommy but I'm not hurting her, I would never hurt her, now go away."

he said before going back to blowing on her stomach. Lou didn't listen, he trotted over to Harley and started licking her face.

"L-lou stop lickin mee" she grinned turning her face away from her baby
this continued for quite a while, untill someone knocked  on the door.

"What" the king asked siting up, as Harley pulled down her top. The person who knocked came in. "boss the alcohol you ordered from penguin, is in the basement" frost said scratching his head of dark brown hair. "OK" the green haired man shuged his shoulder sarcastically.

"go fucking put them away, don't come to me. You're not a toddler frost, you don't need to ask me. what to do next, fucking hell frost I'm not you're daddy am I?"

Harley was laughing at the joker, the joker loved it when he made her laugh. "no sir, you're not my father, I'll go put them away, sorry boss, sorry miss quinn"

with that he turned his back and walked away. The joker shucks his head from side to side "stupid fucking idiot. Isn't he Harley" he walked back over to the sofa and sat down next to his Harley quinn, "he sure is pud. You really have away with words don't you puddin"

she replied as she crawled over to her puddin with the blanket in her hands and settled on his lap yet again."I sure have" he said.

They went back to watching the television, snuggled up together with the blanket around them, keeping them warm. "puddin whare the babies?" she asked looking around

"I don't know Harl I'll go have a look" waking around the sofa to check if they were thare, but they weren't. "bud, lou" the joker shouted. He heard a whimper, come  from down the hallway.

He walked down the hallway with Harley at his heel. They made it to the open door and walked around the bedroom in the apartment abuve the club.

They finally found them, curled up in a ball together.

"thare you are babies. Mommy and daddy were worried about you. You can come on the bed tonight. come on babies."

she said gentlely Pilling thair collors so they would get up, she guided them over to the bed with help from J they put them on the bottom of the bed.

" puddin I'm tired. Can you sort out the telly please? " she asked getting in the bed and pulling the covers over herself. Bud crawled over to his mom and put his head on her belly.

"yes harls ill go do that" he bent down to give her a kiss and left the room. He made his way though the hallway and into the front room, turning off the television and drinking the rest of his drink. He grabbed harelys glass and went to the kitchen and put the glasses in the sink and he went to bed.

He went in the bedroom and sa2 Harley had already fallen asleep.  lou had stolen his side of the bed. The joker sighed.

"this is the exact reason why I don't like them on the bed harley" he said as he got in the bed and snuggled up to an already asleep Harley, with the hyenas on the bed. "I love you Harley" J smiled before kissing her cheek

____________________________________________________________________________the end
🐄Smile😁be🐝free 🦋bye👋🏻

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