.ARKHAM ASYLAM. part two

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☆♡Word count:169♡☆





My alarm clock went off to alert me it was time for me to get up out of bed and get ready for my first proper day at work. The time that had read on my clock, it was 7:30, it sat on my bed side table. I had hardly any sleep that night.

I turn around and then switch off my alarm clock before sitting up, so my bare legs were over the edge of my uncomfortable bed that I had owned.

I take a sip out of my glass that had Walter in it and put it down whare I had picked it up. I get up and walk over to my chair in the corner of my small bedroom, that had my clothes on. I take off one of my long T-shirts that I ware to bed, I had had a shower last night so that T-shirt would do for tonight, so I folled the pink night top up and put it back on the chair.

I take my purple blouse and slip that on, before moving onto my black pencil skirt and putting that over my long legs. I brush my long Luscious blonde hair and put it in a neat bun behind my head and put some light make up on before, going to the toilet, i brush my teeth while I'm at it.

I come out of the bathroom that was right next to my bedroom door. After doing some more bits. I walk over to the fridge and take out my lunch for today. I grab my white lab coat off the coat rack and put it on. Once I was happy everything had been done, that needed to be done. I grab my hand bag and head out. I live on the second floor for a block of apartments, a very run down block of flats.

As I walked to the asylum I thought about how today might go. Hell I could even get killed today, well you could get killed every day, I mean it's gotham after all. But what I mean is. I'm going to be sitting in a room with a man who kills for pleasure. I had stayed up all night studying the jokers file in great Detail. I had also been jotting down questions I wanted to ask him.

I got to the building in less than an hour, I show the guards my I.D, they had let me though the gate and I walk to the entrenched. I scan the I.D card in the scanner and the door bleeped, so I could open it. I walk all the way to my office. I open my door with the keys, I had in my bag. Once I was in my office, I go sit down and look at my wrist watch.

I had about an hour and a half until I meet the man himself, the Joker. I sit thare for about a minute or too. I really needed to get a cushion for my desk chair, if I needed to be sitting down for long periods of time on it. So I went over to the comforter looking sofa.

I was right but wrong at the same time. It was comfy but un-comfy at the same time. Spilt right down the middle. I take off my lab coat and hang it on the coat hook behind the door. I open my bag and bring out my note pad and the Jokers file. I set a timer on my phone, to tell me it was 10 minutes before my meeting with my new patient.

For the time remaining I study his file even harsher than before, studying each and every word. I got a few more questions noted down. Before my phone buzzed letting me know I was due to meet the clown Prince of crime in about ten minutes. I got up, put his file in my desk top draw, I put my note pad in my bag and put my coat on. I walk out the door, I locked the door to my office before looking down at my hand bag, I rummage through it.

Trying to find the map of the asylum. That I had gotten the same time I got my I.D pass in the post. I finally found the map that I was looking for and followed it until I found the interview rooms. With two guard's standing in front of the steal door with guns in Thair hands. Again I show them my I.D and they step aside. I put my I.D card on the scanner and the door bleeped just like the one in the lobby did.

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