Chapter 1

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Y/Ns pov:
Finally I was dying to get out of there. I say to myself. Yes, I just got out of school, I mean hell hole.

I was currently making my way to the swing set because, I am not ready to go home and do homework. Like any person an existence.

It's nothing bad, everything is fine at home! All it is, is that I don't see my dad often, and I'm perfectly fine with that!

But I am waiting for some-.

My thoughts were interrupted, by a familiar brown haired kid.

"Y/N!" My brunette friend exclaimed.

"Where have you been?" I put a stern hint in my words.

"Well.. I had to sneak out of class. But I have a good reason!" He said putting his hands on his hips.

I roll my eyes and grin. "Whatever you say Ben."

"But! I have good news!" He says forming his usual grin. "My dad is out for today! Which means you can come to my house!" He says happily.

"And if you get caught?" I question already knowing what he's going to say.

"Be the hero I am, and stand up to my dad!" He says proudly.

I sigh, he's not going to stop till I agree.

"Fine." I say in defeat.


"Unless. You agree on one thing."

He stops to let me speak.

"You, have to agree it's your fault if we get in trouble!" I say.

"...fine..." He says making the sacrifices.

I smile. "Onward we go!" I exclaim.

     -a good 5 minutes later-

"I forgot how big your house actually is." I say in awe.

He forms a shit eating grin. "Enough fanning over my families house, we're wasting time!" He snaps.

I scoff "Okay Mr.Drama king."

He grabs my hand, and sprints in the house. I stumble over a few things before he flings his bedroom door open.

"Gosh how much stamina do you have?" I say panting.

"Clearly more than you." He says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and see his (a little cleaned) bedroom.

His bed a little messy but still made. He has a few posters in his room, starting with Mario to The Legends of Zelda. He has a computer (those old ones from the 2000s) on his desk. Lastly the two things he's on, in his free time. 1. His T.v. 2. His Nitendo 64. I look closely seeing he has a game next to it. Being the nosy kid I am I ask what game it is.

"Hey Ben whats that game?" I question turning to him.

He turns to see what I'm talking about.

He has a huge grin on his face. "Oh,that's the game my mom bought for me!"

"What's it called?" I ask.

"Majora's Mask. It came out a few days ago." He says going to sit next to his t.v.

He pats next to him. "Let me show you what the games about!"

"Okay.." I say going to sit next to him.

He loads the game up and goes to a file named 'BEN'.

"I'm on the water temple right now." He says having a hint of annoyance.

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