Chapter 12

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Location: 3 days remain...

Date: what will happen....

I look at the view, it doesn't look as bright like it used to.

I also prefer it with my friend/boyfriend person, I don't know anymore!

But BEN said he was doing whatever his plan was, and here's some bad news. It's something from Sarah,and that's bad real bad...

I hear something from my right.

"You look a little lonely."

I turn to Ben with the duh look.

"No duh." I say turning my head back to the grassy field.

"Just trying to be a little nice.... Anyways, what have you been doing!"

I freeze. Ok how am I gonna answer him...I lie! Oh boy how do I lie to him..

"I've been hanging out with Rosa." Well that's not a lie.

"Did you replace me!" He says in fear.

"No! I would never replace you!"

"Good." If he could smile he would have the famous shit eating grin-

We stand there in silence. Then a question popped in my head.

"What do you think will happen if the moon crashed, or if we get out of here?"

"Where did you get that question! But, what I think is that we'll be in eternal darkness if the moon crashes. For the other one...maybe we go to the place above." He answered.

The sky changed to midnight quickly, and in the distance yelling is heard.

"Oh brother, what are they fighting about this time."

As much as I want to answer him, I know I can't.

"Wanna go see?" I say instead.

"Sure, I'll meet you there." Then he teleported.

I smile, and start running down the hill tripping here and there.

When I get closer the yelling gets more clearer.

I look at different buildings looking for the familiar statue.

"Over here!" I turn my head and go to stand next to him.

I look at the crowd and see Sarah there. I sigh and get back to my acting phase.

"Is that Sarah?"

"I think it is."

"Sarah!" The clad in green looks at us and smiles, she jog over to us with hope.

"Have yall seen the ocarina?"

"The ocarina of time?" Ben asked.

Sarah shakes her head, and I frown.

"I haven't." I say.

"Nor have I." Ben adds.

The fighting stops. We all look at them. I spot Rosa and she has a look of betrayal.

"Y/N!!!!" They yell.

I jump at my name being called that loud.

"Why are they yelling for you?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know..." I say.

"If you don't come here, we're coming to find you!" They yell.

I look at the everyone and say, "only one way to find out."

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