Chapter 9

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Ýõü ķñęw whąţ ţhãť ğľîtçh męńţ!!

Date: ??‽‽?‽

Location: ajoaMr sMak

I watch the NPCs run around. Whenever you speak to some there text comes out like a puzzle. But I don't mind.

I was heading to Lala Ranch, I kinda wanna see what's there. Nor do I have to care about those annoying spider things! I would definitely not wanna see those.

I walk down the grassy area seeing the Ranch ahead. There were horses running around, or eating grass.

Once I enter I see Malon on a tree stump. I smile, that kid was always so cute to me. I walk to the horses and watch them, ok maybe I actually tried petting a few.

Then it hit me. Why don't I try riding one? So, I jumped up and sat on the horse. The horse had tiger fight. It started bouncing around, running, kicking! Attacking me like I was America in World War II.

I started brushing its mane, but I was slowly falling off. But it did start soothing the horse.

"Way to go horse girl!" I turn my head, oh boy it's him.

"Fuck off Ben." I say turning back to my horse.

"So rood! What did I do!" I turn back to him and made the 'really look'.

"Drag me into a game." I say still holding the look. I wonder what Zelda looks like what this face.

"Fare point. But don't blame me! I was here longer than you, with no one to talk to!" He says putting his defense.

"Ok that's true! Your so hard headed Benjamin!" I realized I used his real name.

"Wait a minute! How do you know my real name!"

I freeze a huge grin coming to my face.

"I know more than you think Benjamin Lawman." I say riding off with the horse.

Honestly I barley know how to ride a horse, but I still continued. I look around the bright green field. I gently kick the side of the horse picking up speed.

I ride up the hill seeing the tree coming in view. The tree always soothed me, and also reminded me of the real world.

I pull back on the horse to stop it. I jump off almost falling. I'm almost used to the small body I'm in.

I sit in front of the tree looking at the pixeled sky, and the moon....that thing is terrifying.

Green comes in my view next to me. He's not leaving till I tell him. Yup that's a Ben thing.

"Really though how do you know my whole name?"

I think for the words, ok I think I know now.

"Does the name Y/N L/N spark any thoughts?"

An awkward silence comes upon for awhile,awhile,even more,okay cmon what's taking him so long? Finally he says something.

"Like the Y/N with h/c and e/c?"

I smile now he remembers.

"There you go! Now you remember me!"

"Really! Is it really you! If only I could hug you..."

"Well I could. But that would be a little awkward hugging a statue. But what the heck!" I say getting up and patting the dirt away then hugging Ben.

"Hehe! I guess it works." Ben replies.

I step away and smile.

"So, how was school?" My smile drops.

"Horible especially college!"

"College, would I really be that old!?"

I look at him offendly and put a hand on my heart.


"Oh, I didn't mean it like that! I just didn't know I was stuck here for that long..."

"Yeah,you were gone for about 8 years.."



"Now that I think of it. I'll never see Sarah again..."

"Like. Sarah, my mom?"

"Yeah. She said something like,  "it's been 8 years you should make a new friend.." I said.


I smile at him then said. "She wasn't trying to replace you. She was trying to cheer me up." I say.

"I guess so."

"At least you have the best person in the world to talk to!" I say striking a dramatic pose.

"Whatever you say Y/N!"

A/N: sorry for the short chapter! But buckle up for the next chapter because it's time for.... 🌟CONFLICT🌟

Have a good day/night/evening!

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