Chapter 3

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April 21st, 2002. 2 days remain.

  Location: In town.

I look around the town breathing in fresh air. 'What a day.' I think to myself.

I look to see girls gossiping,kids playing, mothers yelling,and workers advertising their stoors.

I look around the shops looking for a gift. Why you ask? Well I never gave Ben his proper birthday gift. Besides slamming his head in his cake.

I giggle looking back at that memory.
"Happy birthday dear Ben! Happy Birthday to you!" We all sang.

Ben was hiding his face trying to stop his blushing from embarrassment.

I laugh at him then walk up to him. "Happy birthday Ben wanna know my gift?" I say having an evil smile on my face.

"What?" He says looking at me.

"This!" I grab a fist full of his hair and slam his head in the cake. "Happy 12th birthday Ben!"

He groans and looks up at me. "Ow!" He says wiping  frosting from his face and smudging it all over me.

I laugh and run off.
Yeah..that happened, and why am I still giving him a gift even though that was good enough? Because I feel guilty! There a admitted it!

I stop when something catches my eye. Oh my,that's perfect! I go to the entrance and swing it open. I walk to a stand that has what I want to buy.

It's a keychain for your backpack. Not any keychain it's a sword,not any sword!The master sword.

Honestly, I think he would love this! I smile, wait but first how much does it cost. I look at the tag. 5.00$. Perfect!

I pull out my wallet and take a 10$ bill because I have no fives. I walk to the counter and see a young man. Maybe in high school?

"Excuse me sir I  would like to by this." I say nervously. (Idk bout you but I hate talking to strangers.)

"Oh right away!" He says looking at the screen. "That would be 5.95!" He says smiling.

I pull out the bill and give it to him, and I get my change. I look and give him a smile,he wipes his black hair out of his eyes and smiles back.

I walk out the stoor, and fleed to my house. I can't wait to give him this gift!

-5 minutes later because who wants to write a boring scene of reader walking.

I get to my house and swing the door open.

"Woah there missy!" My mom says sitting on the couch.

"Yeah! Sorry,bye mom!" I sigh already heading to my room.

"Ok, tell your boyfriend I said hi!" She says winking.

I roll my eyes head to my room. ( I would have got grounded right then and there.)

I grab the keychain from my pocket, and grab a green bag. I smile and put it in (that's what she said). I grab the white paper to hide it.

Now,to give him his gift. I open my door this time more gentle. Then start running. "Bye mom!" I say already out the door.

I hear a muffled. "Have fun!"

I start down the street. We don't live that far away from each other maybe a block?

The running continues for a little bit before I see the big house. Curse you Ben for living at a wealthy place!

I head up the porch and knock. I hum to myself as the door creaks open. I look up and smile. "Hi Mr.Laman!" I say.

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