Chapter 7

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   Hęľp mę....

August 30th, 2010

Location: Class

I sigh as I look down at my notes. Alex has been acting weird. I ask him what's wrong and he just says, 'ask your friend.' Crazy thing! I haven't talked to anyone but him.

I look at the clock, just a little longer....

Ding Ding

Great! I'm going to figure out what he's talking about. If he says no...I haven't gotten that far.

If I'm correct he always eats in his dorm. I speed walk down the hall to his dorm and knock.

The handle twists as it opens. There stands Alex and his messy dorm. He looks at me frowns.

"Do you need anything?" He says sipping his coke.

"Yes a question."


"Is there anything bothering you? Because when you say 'ask your friend' I have no clue what your talking about!"

He stops in his tracks and looks at his T.v then his laptop. He turns back to face me and sighs.

"Well. He said not to tell anyone. But if you knew him then I guess it doesn't matter."

I look at him confused. 'But if you knew him' is it someone I knew?

He looks at me then at the floor. He steps away from the door.

"Here come inside I'll tell you." He says.

I walk inside and sit on the couch. I watch as he grabs something from his desk and stands infront of me.

"Now I don't want him to kill me so I'm not directly going to say it." He says showing the Majora's Mask cartridge.

"Your old friend. Stuck inside game. Angry. Wants Revenge. Also wants freed." He says.

Wait. My old friend equals,Ben. I think for a little longer before I relize.

"So your telling me Ben is stuck in his favorite game. He's angry at his father I'm guessing. And he's wanting to be freed. But how does this have anything to do with you?" I ask looking at him.

"I don't know but he's been haunting my nightmares. Telling me to play the game. He somehow can go into my laptop." He says going back to watch T.v. Well was.

The T.v turns off and Alex starts panicking.

"No.No!NO!" He covers his ears,and starts taking deep breaths.

I look at him and start rubbing his back asking what's wrong.

He looks at me and says, "well a little birdie found out I told you!"

Honestly I don't know if it's a prank or not but I can tell Alex is on the verge of tears.

The T.v starts having static, and could have sworn I heard chuckles.

I look at Alex then the T.v I look down at the outlet and quickly go to unplug it.

Alex looks at me. "Thank you Y/N. But I think you shouldn't have done that." He stops then continues. "I think he can travel through electricity."

I was shocked. What has gotten into Ben?!

I look at him I can not believe what I just witnessed.

"What the fuck just happened!" I say looking at him.

He takes a sip of his coke and says, "Ben just happened." He says sarcastically.

I sigh and pinch my nose.

"Also don't be surprised if he comes after you. Wait actually he might let you of the verge. That's if he remembers you." He says putting down the coke.

I look at him then at the game. I wonder if he would let me play the game with him one day. Only one way to find out!

"Hey Alex?" He looks at me. "Do you mind if could play the game with you one day?" I ask him.

He looked at me wide eyed. "Are you sure?" I nod my head. "Well if you wanna take the risk I don't mind."

I smile in victory, I'm secretly scared though.

Alex looks at me.

"Y/N?" I look at Alex. "I figured out why the elegy of emptiness followed me.

I look at him confused and surprised.


"Well...lets put it quick. That was Ben, his soul is stuck in the statue. He can't move a limb, he can only teleport. If he could talk it would be from a chat box." He explained.

I look at him. That's sad real sad. Well at least I know where he is? That's stupid. Anyways.

Alex looks at me with a huge smile. "Would you like to talk to Ben?"

I look at him shocked. "Yes! But how?"


I look at him. "What's that?"

"I'll show you."

He walks to his laptop me right behind him. He goes to Google and puts ''.

It takes him to chat room of some sort, and Alex puts in, 'Hello Ben.'

He turns to me and says, "here you can talk to him now!"

I look at him then the laptop.

( clever bot = this type of text
  Y/N = this type of text)

'Hello Alex'
'Well this isn't exactly Alex'
'Then who is this'
'His friend'

I look at Alex.
"Go ahead if you want to." Alex says.

'Y/N sounds familiar'
'Well I'll let you find out'
'What does that mean'
'Fine have it your way'
'Oh I never thought you would give up so easily'
'If you want to value your sanity then you better cut the sarcasticness'

I look at Alex. "Is he threatening me?!"

"Yup" Alex says.

'Thanks for the heads up Ben'
'Your welcome'
'So how is it like in your favorite game'
'Boring would you like to visit'
'Oh but that wasn't a question'

I look at Alex,and Alex at me.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to Y/N." He says.

"Hold on." I smirk. "This would should give him a clue on who I am."

Alex looks at me confused.

'Well we did say if one of us die then the other does too'

I quickly close the laptop and look at Alex. He was laughing while holding his stomach.

"What?" I say crossing my arms.

"Oh its nothing! It's just I can hear the 'what?'." He says laughing more.

"Well Alex class is starting soon."

Alex looks at me and does a big sigh. "Nooooooooo. Class is so boring."

I laugh at his child like wines.

"Also tell me when your playing his game."


Only if I knew. I should have listened to the consequences of talking to Ben was. Like Alex said, he came to my dreams.

A/N: did you figure out the code to a future chapter if so tell me what you think it is! Remember the text is like this! Thats about it have a good night/morning/afternoon!

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