Chapter 2

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April 20th, 2002, three days remain.

Lunch break.


Thank the lord I think I would die in ELAR. Anyways,I'm currently heading to lunch in 3....2....1....finally!

I look around for my emraled eyed friend. Wait,our normal spot duh!

I walk around to the table and place my luch bag on the table. I look around where is this kid? I sigh whatever, I pull out Mac and cheese because this is what I chose.

"Y/N I'm sorry I'm late!"

I turn to see Ben running with his lunch bag almost tripping on his feet.

"Oh my! THE real Benjamin Lawman late to sit with me!" I say putting a hand on my forehead.

He rolls his eyes, and goes to sit next to me.

"Seriously you look like a mess!" I say pointing to his hair.

He raises his eyebrow, and pats his hair.
He gasps, I snort. He gives me the 'this bitch' look.

"Hey its not that bad!" I say patting his back.

"Yeah, yeah okay." He says pulling out I'm guessing left overs. I gasp as he pulls out pizza.

He was about to take a bite before he looked at me, and this bitch smirked!

"Jelouse?" He says.

I was about to respond, and tell this wealthy kid a peice of my mind, but some kid wanted to start choas.

"FOOD FIGHT!" This random kid yelled.

I smirk this is pay back time.

I grab a spoon full of cold Mac and cheese and fling it at Ben.

He jumps as it hits his nose.

"Oh I see, you have chosen death!" He practically yells. He grabs his caprisun and squirts it all over my clothes.

Great now I have soggy clothes!

"Oh you-!" I stop mid sentence and fling more Mac and cheese but in his hair.

I snort and look at his face, pure shock. Just what I expected. He turns slowly to look at me. He opens his mouth and whispers. "You will pay for that, just you wait." He says.

His eyes look behind, and he makes a worried look. I give a questioning look, and turn around. There stood a very mad math teacher.

"Y/N L/N. Benjamin Lawman! Principles office NOW!" She yells.

"Yes ma'am!" I yell grabbing my petrified  friends hand. She stands there watching as we speed walk down the hall and turn the curve.

I know I don't care much,but it's the end of the world to Ben. Okay maybe I'm a little scared but nothing compared to him. He just walks still in shocked.

"All righty let's not break down! Take deep breaths buddy" I say turning to him.

He listens and take deep breaths.
He raises his head with sadness now.
"I am dead! If it's my father they call." He says pinching his nose.

"Well then mind as well get this over with then!" I say stopping in front of the office. I open the door and stop turning to Ben with a smile. He smiles in return and we continue to the office.

We pass by other kids who eyed us like hawks. Sheesh rough crowd.

The front desk lady looks at us and sighs."He's in his office."

I mumble a 'thanks', and go into the principles office.

I walk into there letting go of my brunette hair friends hand. Letting the cool air run on my hand.

"Hello." He says.

"Hi." Me and Ben say at the say time.

He turns his head and sighs knowing what happened. "I'll call yalls parents."

He started calling Ben's mother or father. While Ben is praying to the God above us all that it's not his father.

He hangs up and probably is calling mine now.

-15 minutes later

The door opens and there stands my mom with a serious face staring daggers at me followed with another women with the same stare, but at Ben.

The other woman had long brown hair, with soft blue eyes. She was wearing a brown coat with a tie along the neck, and blue jeans.

"Miss.Lawman! Miss.(your moms last name)!

Ben makes the biggest grin, and sigh of relief at the same time.

-Another skip brought to you by a grounded Y/N!

I groan as I throw my backpack on the floor. I am currently grounded, which I knew that was going to happen.

I throw myself in bed too. Maybe a nap? I sigh there's nothing to do.

I hear a tap on my window. I roll my eyes knowing who it is. Nothing stops the incredible Ben huh?

I walk to my window and open it. "Your trying to get in more trouble huh?" I say making eye contact with his beautiful emraled eyes. Wait what?

"Yup exactly what I'm doing! I'm your friend if you get in trouble I'm getting in trouble. If I get in trouble so do you!" He says climbing into my room.

"Cliché." I say helping him.

"So, what's up?" I ask putting hands on my hips.

"To say sorry." He says doing what I'm doing.

I look at him. "But I was the one that started it?" I say confused.

"And I agged it on." He says.

I smile. "Since your here and my mom is gone. Why don't we play some Super Smash bros Melee?" I say booting my T.V. up.

The boys sadness quickly washed away within one second. He quickly sits next to me and grabs my other controller.

I grab the game and put it.

After doing all the blah blah stuff we select our games. I think for a second before choosing Pikachu. I look at Ben then turn my head, and of course. He chose...................Who am I kidding we all know who he picked.He picked Link.

"3! 2! 1! FIGHT!" The game announces.

Link practically flies across and attacks Pikachu. Of course I fight him back. Link flips back and attacks with the master sword trying to plunge Pikachu.Pikachu blocks his attack and throws him across the stage Link screaming while zooming to the edge. Pikachu runs toward Link, Link tries to jump over but Pikachu follows him and zaps him throwing Link off.

"Game! Winner,Pikachu!"

"How?!" Ben practically screams.

"Magic!" I say.

He looks at me mouth dropped. I put my finger on his jaw and push it closed.

"That proves it I'm better than you at this game!" I say jumping up.

Ben sat there controller still in hand shocked. He snapped out of his daze. "What time is it?"

I look him then my clock. "8:30, why?"

He jumped up, "my dad should be coming home!" He panics.

I go to my window and slam it open. "Hurry!" I say turning to him.

He runs to my window and jump out.

"Bye Y/N! Love ya!" He says running to his house.

Now it was my turn to be shocked. I sat there feeling my face warm up.

"Love you too?" I whisper.

Then I relize what I said.

Wait. Do..I..have a crush on my best friend?

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