FAKE ENDING: Forever yours

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I thought I would never see you until that day....

I was in pitch blackness for a while. Until a voice spoke to me....

"Wake up. It's not the end..."

I slowly open my eyes, I try to blink the bluryness away. I sit up to see a crowd around me.

A tall slim man in a suit with no face looks at me.

"Welcome to my mansion. It seems your like us."

I look down to see I'm still in Zeldas dress.

I look around many unfamiliar faces.

But there's one thing I'm happy of. I'm not in that dreaded game.

I stand up and pat the dust off my dress.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm slenderman. May I ask yours?"

I stay silent then answer, "Y/N."

"Would you like to stay with us? Get your revenge on the world? Don't worry about paying, but you will have a roommate."

I nod. "Sure."

"Come here child. I have rooming systems, whoever has closes problems will room with each other."

I walk to him, and he puts his paper white hand on my forehead.

Memory's of my life flashes quickly in one second. Once it ends I jump.


Everyone grows silent to sew who I am rooming with.

"You'll be rooming with Ben."

I jump at that name. Then a blonde haired kid comes pushing through the crowd. I big grin on his face.

"Sweet! Cmon I'll show you my- I mean our room!" He quickly takes my hand running up the stairs taking us into a hallway.

We stop infront of a door with the triforce on it. He opens the door, and opens it for me.

I mumble a 'thanks', and continue on.

"So this is our room. Sorry, but you have the bottom bunk!"

I shake my head and look around the room. He had a T.v with a Nitendo 64 plugged in, white painted walls, carpeted flooring, a desk, a Pc, and he had a photo on his desk.

He noticed I was looking at the photo and answered my question, "Oh that's me before I died with a friend of mine."

I nod my head when a box appeared infront of me. I read it and it said 'Y/NS STUFF'.

"Slender brought your stuff! I'll let you pack I'll be on my Pc." The kid said.

I looked through the box it had, my old Nitendo 64, ocarina of time, some clothes, a photo album, and Ben's old Majoras mask cartridge. WAIT BENS OLD MAJORAS MASK CARTRIDGE!

I gasp and the blonde looked at me funny.

"Something wrong?" He said while walking up to me.

He looked at me then the cartridge. He looked shock then his eyebrows furrowed.

"That looks like my old game." He said.

I looked at him then the cartridge. Tears started forming in my eyes. It wasn't long before I started crying.

"Woah! Are you alright?!" He asked.

"No...this used to be my friends!" I said through my sobs.

He looked at me then walked to his desk. He grabbed his picture frame then walked up to me.

I turn my attention to him as he turns the frame to me.

It was a picture of me and Ben. He points to me and says in a low voice.

"Is this you?" I look at him surprised.

"Yes..." My voice cracked when I said that.

He looked at me with those bloody eyes, with a huge grin.

He practically jumped on me with a tight bear hug.

"Y/N I missed you!" He muffled out.

I smile and hug him back.

"I missed you too Ben."

He stands up and gives me a hand to pull me up.

"So how is it like to move again?"

"10x better! It was SO boring in that statue!" He said wining like the child he is.

"I bet. But you kept your promise!" I said smiling.

"Of course I did!" He said while wiping his now blonde hair out of his eyes. "I'll help you unpack."



"You're welcome."

"How long have you been here?" I ask him.

"A few months." He said.

"So I've been in a pitch black void for a while?" I said with a frown.

"I guess so..."

"But know you have me forever!!!" He said hugging me again.

"Forever mine!" I said laughing.

"Forever yours!!!"

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