Chapter 4

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Dawn of the final day.

April 22,2002.

Location: Ben's room.

I watch as Ben opens the door having a huge grin on his face.

"Y/N! I have good news! So,I talked my dad into getting us tickets to the fair!"

"Really!?" I say jumping out of the bed.

"Yup, so get your coat on we're going to ride roller-coasters!" He says grabbing his green hoodie.

I grab my (hoodie/jacket/whatever you wanna wear), and follow Ben out the door.

We go down stairs and I see Mr.Lawman talking to someone. I don't rely care so I didn't listen to what he said.

I walk out with Ben,and he grabs my hand while we walk to the fair.

-At the fair

"Y/N! Y/N! Can we ride that one!" Ben says pointing to a ride.

It was one of those rides that slowly rises up,and drops down really fast. (I have acrophobia, but I won't have Y/N get that scared for the story!)

I think for a little while Ben jumps in excitement. "Sure." I say smiling.

"YES!" Ben says yanking me in line.

"May I see your ristbands?" The man says.

We show are bands and go to sit on the seats and putting on the straps.

"Yall on?" He says getting ready to flick the switch. We say yes and we start to rise.

I watch as we gradually get higher in air. I start to see the fair,people,food places, and other rides.

Then I get caught by surprise. We drop down I shut my eyes thinking I fell off. Then I hear Ben start laughing.

"What are you laughing about!" I say still having my eyes shut.

"Y-your face hahaha!"

I open my eyes seeing him unbuckling himself, I do aswell. He grabs my hand and follows everyone else.

"Can I choose next?" I say turning my head to him.

"Of course you can!" He says smiling.

We walk around before I see those haunted houses. "That!" I say pointing to the house. Ben smirks.

We walk in the house, and wow these are the worst props.

There were scorched plants,fake blood, and definitely smoke machines.

Ben and I were walking for a while before we heard faint noises. We walked for a while then I realized. Those noises were coming from a chainsaw.

Ben was now paralyzed in fear also realizing. Unlike him I was curious I walked toward letting go of Ben's hand.

Worst decision.

Well isn't that the consequences of my actions! That got us chased. Ben and I started screaming our lungs off heading to the exits.

The light was shining in my eyes. Wow,how long were we in there?

"Ok...lets eat and get something to drink my throats is as dry as a desert right now...." Ben says grabbing a pouch from his hoodie.

"Well where are we eating?" I ask looking around. One caught my attention.

"Hamburgers!" Ben and I see in usion.

Ben grabs my hand, again.

"How may I help you?" A lady days.

"A cheese burger please! And for Y/N..." Ben says looking at me.

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