Bonus: A date with r!Ben

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(This will be a date with real ending Ben. Well not exactly a date but, never mind I can't explain.)

I look at Ben, he's been staring at his old cartridge for hours now. I'm getting kinda worried...

And I'm getting bored, we can't do anything really. Our souls are stuck here, well in Bens old room...

Ben felt my gaze on him because he turned to look at me.

"Is something wrong Y/N?" He said with a frown.

"No, nothings wrong. It's just you've been staring at that game for a while.."

He looked at me then sighs. "I was just wondering if we could ever go in the game again."

I nod my head and look at it. "There's only one way to find out."

He grinned, then went to stand up. "Cmon Y/N let's go!"

It was my turn to smile. I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me up.

He turned to his out dated T.v. to set up his game.

Why would he want to go back in that game? I wondered.

"Y/N!" I turn to Ben. He was showing that he could stick his hand through the T.v.

I walk up to him, and do the same. I could stick my hand through it too..

He smiles and jumps in the T.v with one quick movement. I stand there flabbergasted.

Snap out of it Y/N! I take a sharp inhale and jump in.


"Y/N? Y/N. Y/N!" I slowly open my eyes, seeing someone standing over me. I rub my eyes to see Ben.

Wait. He's not in that ugly ass statue!


"Oh good your awake!" He said pulling me to stand up.

"No duh." He scoffs, then turns around.

"I just wanted to look around with free will." He said.

"Well where do you wanna start off at?"



"Really, the tree."

I turn to him, and he has a big smile on.

"Yeah the tree." He said going to sit criss cross applesauce on the grass.

I go to sit next to him but then he stops me.

"Nah there's a better seat then the grass." I look at him weird like. Then I realized what he ment.


"Why nottt?"

"Beacuuuase." He sighs then allows me to sit next to him.

We stare at the pixelated sky for a little in a comforting silence. I slowly go to lay down Ben doing the same.

I was knocked out of my gaze when I felt something holding my hand. I turn my head to the side.

In view was my brunette haired boyfriend. I guess he got used to his messy hair. God bless America he would have a cow, but not anymore.

Ben looked at me then smiled. I gave him one back.

Maybe we'll go back to our prisonment, or we could stay here. I don't know..

I'll let Ben decide.

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