BONUS: A date with f!Ben

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(This will be fake ending Ben, don't worry real ending Ben fans I'll be writing his later)

Bored.....ugh what can you do in this mansion?

My prayers were answered when Ben came crashing through the doors.

"Hey Y/N!" He said while sitting next to me.

"Hey." (This here is dark pit- ok I'm sorry continue.)

"Whatcha doin."

"Being bored." When I said that he made a huge smile.

"Good now follow me!" He quickly grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of the room.

"What are you doing?" I said not even fighting him, though I was having second thoughts.

"It's a surprise." He said calmly.

Oh boy...

We ran out of the mansion almost knocking out E.J.

We both ran through trees, he obviously knew where he was going. After running for a while I started getting a side stitch. I started walking, and when I did that Ben looked at me.

"Loose all your stamina already?" He said making that cocky smile. He hasn't changed one bit.

"God bless America! How much stamina do you have?" Why did I say that when I know his answer....

"More than you. Also, don't worry we're almost there." He started slowing down and walking to a little cabin, or is it a shack?

He opened the door and held it open for me.

"For you, my Zelda." He quickly cringed on what he said but brushed it off.

I look around the little cabin. There was a couch in front of the T.v, there were Christmas lights hanged on the wall, there was a dresser where the T.v lied uppon.

"Go sit on the couch I gotta grab something."

I obeyed and went to the couch and watched him.

Ben opened a door which led to a closet, and grabbed a box. Which read 'Ben's movies.'

He sat next to me and opened the box. He looked at most of them and picked a few.

"Soooooo, what do you wanna watch?"

I looked at the choices.

Monsters Inc.

Lighting Theif. (I prefer the books)

And Suicide Squad...

Well the obvious answer is Suicide Squad because Harley Quinn is hot.

"Maybe Suicide Squad?"

Ben smiles, "alright."

He goes to turn on his old T.v, and do all that. (Because I'm to lazy to explain.)

He sits on the couch, and takes of the green cap that Link wears. He sets it on a counter then lays down. Wait I mean he layed his head on your thighs.

I look down at him with a smile, he smiled back in return.

I play with his blonde hair, which I'm still getting used to.


The movie was ending, and Ben hadn't made one sparky remark yet which only ment one thing.

He's asleep.

I look down smiling because I was correct.

I brushed his blonde locks out of his 'eyes'. I lean in to kiss his cheek, then I put my gaze back to the screen.

I felt him stirring around, so I look down back at him. He slowly opened his eyes with a closed smile on his face.

He tried to talk but he yawned first. "You missed." He managed to say.


He frowned. "Please, it'll make me sleep better."

I giggle. (I hate that word but it's what's best.)

"Hmmmmm, why should I."

"Because I was your best friend, and now I'm the best boyfriend." He said whining.

"Fine..." I said hiding my face.

He smiled and sat up.

I put down my hands to look at him.

He quickly gave me a small kiss then went back to laying his head on my legs.

It was short but I sure have big smile on my face.

"It's late yknow. I think we should head back. Or if you want we could stay here for the night."

"I'm to tired to walk back, so I guess we could stay here."

He sat up to walk back to the closet. He grabbed a (Favorite color) blanket. He put it over both of yall and sat his head on your shoulder.

Believe it or not Ben doesn't have body heat. But you supplied him with some.

You put your head on his head smiling.

You closed your eyes awaiting for a peaceful slumber.

amira_the_simp don't worry I'm waiting for wattpad to let me post the oneshot book! But for now I give everyone a date with the Ben's.

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