Chapter 6

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Hėļłò çąņ ýõü hęąř mę?!

August 24th, 2010

Location: Sarah's house


"Y/N wake up its your first day of collage!"

I groan, "five more minutes..." A cold chill went through my whole body. "Okay okay I'm a awake!" I say falling off the bed.

I get up and wipe my eyes. Geez where did time go? I scratch the back of my neck to feel nothing. Wait NOTHING?!

I look around my desk,closet,dresser, pill- pillow! I look at my pillow and frown. Where did I put it? Maybe under my pillow? Yes!

I look at the keychain that used to be my friends. Hold on deceased friend. I made a necklace of it to remind me of him. I smile at the necklace.

Okay enough I need to change!

I quickly put on some clothes on. (your choice!) And head down stairs to Sarah.

"Morning Y/N. Are you excited?" She says flipping pancakes.

'It would be better if Ben were here.' I sigh at my thought. "Yeah." I say looking at her.

"I know it's hard but it's been 8 years maybe lighten up the mood a little. Who knows maybe you can make a new friend!" Sarah says while putting pancakes on my plate.

"Thanks." I say taking a fork and knife.

Once I eat most of my pancakes.I check the time. 9:00. I sigh I better get going to get my dorm number and all that.

"Well Sarah I think it's time I head off."

She gives me smile. "I'm proud of you Y/N." She says. "I'll see you when you visit."

I smile and grab my backpack. I open the door and turn. "Farwell Sarah!" I say while grabbing keys to my vehicle.

-At the college of your choice.

I walk in. Wow. It's a whole new world! (Don't you dare close your eyes..)

Now I need to get my stuff to my dorm. What did they say it was...I know 45.

I head to the dorm rooms and see a guy walking to his room. "Hey um do you know where the 40s are?" I say.

He turns and looks at me. "Yeah I was heading up there right now!" He says.

"Thanks uhhh?"

"Alex. But friends call me jadusable." He says before pointing. "It should be up those stairs I'll meet you there I have to go grab some things."

I say a quick thanks then head up the stairs. Huh he seems like a nice guy.

I find my dorm and unlock it putting my things next to the couch. It actually looked like a modern room.

I hope I packed my Nitendo....

I find some drawers to put my clothes in. After I organize my stuff I check my watch. 9:45. Alright that gives me time to do something before I head to class.

I check my schedule. My first class starts at 10:15.

I head out the door and shut my door then see glimps of brown hair.

"Oh cool we're neighbors." Alex says.

"Oh yeah!" I look to see a cord sticking out of the box. Curiosity got me. "Hey whats that?"

"Oh its some games I bought from a garage sale. Would you like to see them?" He asks.

"Sure I still have a good 30 minutes to spare."

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