Chapter 11

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Location: ?????

I watch in horror, only a few days left...

Each day something happened...and Ben became more distant.

People started worshipping the moon. I haven't seen Sarah in a while, but she needs to do her work.

Everyone is mad at each other. The more they fight the more chaos happens.

That is happening right now.

I watch from the distant where everyone is yelling at each other.

"I bet it was Matt that did it!" One yelled.

"Leave my brother alone!" Rosa yelled.

"Shut it twerp!" One snapped at Rosa.

I see a hint of green flash from behind a building. I squint my eyes to see what that was.

"I bet it was her!" I turn my head to see one of the knight's pointing at me.

They all look at me. I stare in horror.

"Yeah she hasn't been talking to us much!"

"Because she's always hanging out with that other kid!"

"To bad he ain't here to stand up for her."

It was true I haven't seen him in a while...

I step back, and once again green flashes by my eye. I look behind me, no one is there...I look back at the others.

Rosa was standing up for me. I smile at her.

Then I turn and start running the direction the mysterious person was running.

The person was heading for the sewers with me following closely behind.

They run down the stairs making a click as they go down.

I watch from the corner as they slide down the wall sitting on the floor.

"Your not very slick." They say turning to me.

"Nor are you." I say walking to them.

"Well your the infamous Y/N!" They say to me. "I heard all about you! The name fits for the Zelda character."

"Thanks? But who are you." I say looking at them.

"Oh, you don't know me. That's sad! The names BEN. And don't you get me mixed up with that kid!" BEN said.

I automatically knew he was talking about Ben.

BEN was pretty tall. He had green hair to his shoulders. He was wearing a collared blue shirt, with blue jeans, and his eyes were a soulless black color. (Picture above also sorry for the jumpscare)

He looked at me with pitch black eyes, and grew a grin.

"It's quite funny seeing them all fight. Wondering who burn down a building, who took something of theirs."

I look at him wondering what it ment. Then realized.

"Your the one who did all that?"

"Of course I am! Y'know Y/N I never liked you because you always hanged out with that other kid!What was his name, Ben? But I realized your perfect for my next plan!"

I looked at him wide eyed.

"Your a monster...." I say backing up.

"Oh little Y/N... tell them and I'll have them sacrifice you." He said with the same closed smile. "So tell me you'll help me."

I was a peice of trash compared to him. I look at BEN. I knew I had no chance. I frowned.

I'm sorry Ben...


He smiled. "Perfect! I'll tell you the plan."


I walk to Rosa and Matt crying. It was part off the plan. I have to make everyone turn against each other so they would have a big fight. And they'll fight physically.

She turns. "Y/N what's wrong?!"

Matt looks at me questioning like

I look at the siblings, and say the knight's did it.

Her eyebrows furrow and she frowns.

"Thats unbelievable! Thier so mean!" She hugs me and I hug back.

Rosa was always sweet to me...why do I have to do such a rood thing to such a sweet kid...and well Matt he was nice too but a little sarcastic but it's fine.

"I'm sorry about what they said to you Y/N. I don't know why they always fight about the smallest things!"

Matt sighs.

"They can be harsh at times..." He says rubbing the back of his head.

I smile and look at them both.

"Thanks you two..." I say wiping my fake tears.

Rosa smiles. "Anytime Y/N!"

Matt looks at me. "Your welcome."

"I should head back...really though thanks." I walk back with a smile and run off.

2 down, 10 to go...


BEN smiles at me.

"Look at you! I'm proud of you! Now I can finally do what I've been waiting to do! But let's have some fun first!"

I looked at him, scared of what his type of 'fun' is.

"No I'm not crazy! I could have sweared I heard something!" A female voice says.

I'm moved quickly with something cold on my neck.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you.." BEN whispers.

I then see Sarah. She looks at us and quickly draws out the Master Sword.

"BEN!" Sarah says. Ben then appears behind Sarah.

"BEN! Let go of Y/N!" Ben says.

"Oh I'm so scared what is a little statue going to do! Oh Sarah is that the Master sword?" BEN says trying to strike a conversation.

"Shut it BEN just give us Y/N!" Sarah repeats.

BEN rolls his eyes and puts the knife more closer to my neck.

Sarah slowly walks up with her sword.

BEN just stands there unfazed.

Sarah puts up her sword and stands there.

"So what are you really trying to do? I know your up to something."

"Oh Sarah, I'm just playing around! I just want to see you, and your little sons reaction if I just kill something precious to yall!" BEN says trying to act innocent.

"Oh really?"

Quickly the knife in BENs hand is glitched out.

"Then it seems my little son has his advantages." Sarah says grabbing me.

"Oh, the easiest trick in the book! I should have thought of that! It seems you two won but my plan will destroy yall!" BEN says smiling at me, then disappeared.

Sarah turns to me, and examines me.

"Did he hurt you Y/N!"

"No." I say like a lier.

"Good!" Ben chimes in.

I smile at them, a true smile...

"Where were yall all this time?" I ask.

"We were doing work to try and find a way to get us out." Ben says.

Sarah says something that sparked my question. "And we found a way..."

Well we have our villain! And a traitor... This isn't the exact lore BTW! If you want the real lore it's on jadusable on YouTube!

Anyways buh bye!

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