Chapter 8

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September 10th,2010. Sunday.

Location: Alex's room

I fiddle with my thumb. Alex looks at me and sighs.

"So he got you too huh?"

I sigh. "Yup."

Today was the day I got to play. I haven't played that game for a while. So I'm gonna be terribly rusty.

Alex booted the game up, and handed me the controller.

I look at the screen. Two files were there. Alex told me which one to push so I did.

I spawned near a gate way. If I recall he said it was..I forgot. I went up a hill where the Salesman,Skull kid, and the eleg- I mean Ben were standing.

Oh boy that's gonna be weird knowing that Ben's soul is stuck in there...

I stop in the middle and look at Alex. His big brain said, "Play the Song Of Healing!"

And I did as said....

Link caught on fire, and I just was sitting there. I turned to Alex and said.

"What the fu-" I was caught of by my mouth covered.

If Alex is infront of me then how is my mouth being covered?

I turn to see a hand coming from the T.v.

I try to move, but the person was pulling me to into the T.v. Alex was watching in shock, to petrified to even move.

I was fighting back but everything went black.


I woke up to a pixeled sky. I sit up to see my hand. It a game model.

I look down to see I was in a pink and white dress with the triforce simple on it.

Then it hit me. I was not in my body but, I was in Zeldas. Which ment I was in a game. Not any game but Majoras Mask.

I look around to see I was in a town. What was it called Clock Town? I think so.

I get up from where I was sitting.

"Who are you?" It asked.

I look up and sigh, "Y/N. Who are you."

It pauses, then the statue appeared.


I stop and turn to him. Well this wasn't how I planned on seeing my dead friend.

"So your that person I talked to on the Jadusables computer?"


It's weird seeing the elegy statue up in person. Not to mention the awkwardness in the moment. Then finally he answers.

"Well I wasn't lying huh?" I give Ben a death stare. Being stuck in a game for 8 years sure did give him mest up humor.

"Very funny. But still was it fun for the first few years?"

"Yesn't" He answered.

"Atleast it's an answer." Better than him ignoring me.

"Since I have a heart I could show you around."

"I know my way around. I played this game before."

"Ok." Is all he replied with before he left. Or should I say teleported away?

Rood. I thought to myself.

I walk around looking at the NPCs. Well at least I got to talk with him?

I see a familiar kid running across my face. Then it hit me. Alex.

I ran after Link for a little before he turned.

"Alex? Is that you?" I ask. Link started slashing his sword, jumping, running in circles, and all that.

I smile at him.

"I did get to talk to Ben huh?" Link stopped moving. I bet Alex is laughing at my comment.

I saw green behind him. Speaking of the devil. Link turns to look at him then turns back to me.

Link whips his ocarina out and starts playing notes. More likely The Song of Healing, which I come to realize is Ben's least favorite song.

I watch as heat quickly brushes on my face. I watch as Link cries in agony dieing quickly. Link dissappears showing he went to respawn.

"Why does he always play that song."

I turn to 'my friend' and reply with, "I don't know honestly."

Then he asks something that startled me a little.

"What's it like now in days?"

I think for a little. "Well technology got more advanced. There's also new Zelda games." I knew exactly what he will ask next. 'What are those games like!'

"What are those games like!" I snort.

"Well there's Wind Waker where Link is a pirate."

"A pirate?" I can see the face he would make. All though I can't because he's stuck in a ugly statue.

"Yup." I say.

"Not what I thought would be the next game but it still works. Even though I won't be able to play it." He says.

I look at the him. Then he asks another question.

"Do you know any Sarahs?"

I smile. "Yeah."

"A Sarah Lawman?"

I knew he was going to talk about her.

"Yes I have!"

"Really?! Is she doing ok?!"

"Yeah she has. Still a little sad about her son's death but she's doing better." I say.

He gets quite after that. Huh I wonder what Sarah would say if she heard about this.

Like someone just goes up and says.

"Oh yeah your son and his friend are stuck in his Zelda game."

"Oh really?"

I smile at that. I hope she's doing ok though. She's a really nice person. How did she end up with a bad man?

Then he asked about his dad.

"How about ‽‽‽‽ Lawman?"

"Oh him? He got arrested a while ago! And he deserved it." I say.

"Thats good. Really good."

I look around. I see the mail man run down the alley.

I do know one NPC I wanna see. And it's the monkeys.

We stand there for a while. Just thinking. I wonder if Ben remembers me? I'll figure out later.

I wonder if I have an ocarina. I pull out a box from Zeldas dress. Ah video game logic.

"Is that an ocarina box?" Ben asked.


I pull it out and start blowing notes. It works! It's a (favorite color) ocarina.

I look up as the clock dings. Signifying it's a new day. Or a dawn of a new day.

Well not how I thought today would go.
But it sure is something....

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